I walk to the door and open it to see all 5 boys with Logan at my door looking worried. "What's wrong?" I ask confused "Your door was locked all night!" Logan yells "So?" I say questionably "We thought you were dead....." Jack says "Well, I'm not, so go I need to take a shower!" You say smiling In Jack's Mind: That smile, uuuggghhh it gets me everytime...... You take a shower and get out and put on.....
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(No jacket)Hair/Makeup looks like......
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You walk out of your room and the boys are on their phone, but Logan went to voice rehearsal. I sit down and text Jaicey. (☆=Me ♧=Jaicey) ☆:heyyyy ♧:suppp ☆:wanna come over ♧:Yes of course I've been missing you ☆:Gr8 can't wait to see u😘😘 ♧:Be there in 5😙😙
"Hey guys Jaicey is coming over" I say In response I get a bunch of "ok,k,alright" "Hey can I talk to you outside?" I hear Daniel say "Of course." I say walking outside "So what's up?" I ask "2 things..." He says "1st, do you know if Jaicey likes anyone?" He asks nervously "Yeah she likes you!" I say excitedly "Really!?!" He says shocked "Yes!" I yell "Good I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend..." He says shyly "Yesssss!" I yell "What!?!" Daniel says worriedly "I've been waiting for you two to get together, but what is that other thing you needed to ask Me?" I say "Oh, ummm...... Paisley" To Be Continued
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Evil I know I love all of you. Might post again today, but if not I'll for sure post tomorrow.💚💚