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Why won't you speak?
Where I happen to be
In the trees
Standing cowardly

Why won't you speak?Where I happen to beSilentIn the treesStanding cowardly

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"Hey, assbutt! Wait up!"

Leo stopped walking towards school, spinning around on her heel. Chasing her was Carter Mason, one of her best friends since she was a child. The dark-brunette scrambled to adjust her book bag across her shoulder before jogging to catch up with the blonde.

"Good morning to you as well," Leo replied with a grin. Carter narrowed her eyes playfully, giving her a small push.

"How dare you. You didn't wait for me."

"You were late," the blonde retorted, rolling her eyes. The brunette smiled, a glimmer in her pale blue eyes.

"At least I fixed you coffee," she answered with a teasing tone, holding up a tervis filled with Leo's favorite coffee. The blonde widened her eyes, stopping in her tracks.

"French vanilla?" She questioned.

"With chocolate creamer. Happy birthday, bitch." Leo let out a small laugh, a smile planting itself on her face.

"You are the best." Greedily, she took the tervis and sipped slowly. Contempt with her friend's coffee skills, Leo continued walking with Carter by her side.

"Did your dad stay for your birthday this year? I didn't see the red Sedan in the driveway." The blonde glanced at Carter, giving her a 'what the hell do you think?' look. The brunette took the hint and shut up, her eyes darting up as the two girls reached the front of Stanford High. Adjusting her book bag, Leo raised her identification badge to the camera in front of the gates. Carter followed her friend's movement and the sound of locks clicking told the girls to remove their ID's away from the camera. The two stepped away from the locked entrance gate, the irritating noise of the bottom of the gate scraping against the road filling the silence in the air.

As the gates stopped, wide open, Leo's nose twitched and she turn to face the road that led into the town of Stanford. Sirens flooded the air and Carter glanced at her best friend before staring in the direction of the sound of sirens.

"You're like a fucking cat," the brunette commented. "Maybe that's why you're named Leo. You were named after a lion." Leo narrowed her eyes at Carter, who returned her glare with a grin.

"Fuck off, Mason," the blonde joked back, watching as police cars drove by the two and into the schoolyard. "I wonder what's going on."

"I bet you it's about Jeremy," Carter suggested, walking through the gates. Leo followed behind her, an eyebrow raised. "I mean, he was caught with drugs in our freshman year."

"Fair point," Leo mumbled.

With a roaring engine, a sleek black Impala pulled up next to the security camera behind the closed gates. The blonde did a double-take, paying attention to the passenger in the relic. As the gates screeched open once more, Leo couldn't help but jump in front of the car. The driver blared his car horn, but she ignored him and Carter's protests to get to school. She walked up to the passenger window, narrowing her eyes once more. The tinted window rolled down, and Leo kept her focus on the passenger, ignoring the driver who kept cursing at her.

"Sam fucking Winchester, you better tell me what's going on," Leo threatened her dad, calling him by his full name. Sam's hazel eyes glanced at his daughter before looking at his brother and back again.

"First of all, language, young lady. Second-"

"Oh, no, no, no," Leo cut him off. "You don't get to tell me to mind my language. You said you weren't going to be home for my birthday. What the hell is this?"

"I could ask you the same thing," the driver spoke up. The blonde raised an eyebrow, tilting her head.

"Let me guess. You're Dad's partner."

"No, ew!" The driver looked to be about in his mid-thirties with dirty blonde hair and something Leo could only describe as candy-apple green eyes. "We work together." The blonde teenager gave him a disgusted look.

"Yeah, obviously! I meant work partners. Dad's obviously married," she commented, rolling her eyes.

"Leo, come on." Panic laced Carter's voice, and Leo pulled herself away from her father in the car as they continued their route to the front of the school.

"What's wrong?" The brunette didn't answer, instead grabbing the white sleeve of Leo's long sleeve shirt and pulling her along. The blonde stayed silent as Carter's eyes filled with tears, but she realized why. When the two arrived at the front of the school, there she was.

Carter's sister, Rosabella, was hanging from the school tree.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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