Chapter 17

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I woke up the next morning confused. I couldn't remember where I was. "Where am-" I started. Then it hit me I was on a ship going to Rome. I sighed and sunk back into my bed. It was so warm and I was going to get sea sick as soon as I got up anyway. I heard a knock on my door. "What?"I yelled.

"Time for breakfast!"I heard Alex yell.

"Ok! Be there in a sec." I got up slowly and put on a camp half blood t shirt, a pair of jeans, and some orange tennis shoes. I brushed hair and walked toward the dining hall. I went in and sat down by Alex. Everyone was already there.

"We have about two more days at sea,"Leo announced. I sighed relieved. "Anyway y'all can eat now."

I got cereal and some milk. I wasn't too hungry after last night. I finished first and noticed all of them were eating bacon. I half smiled. "I see you guys like bacon."

"Yep,"Jason replied.

"It's my favorite,"Leo answered.

"Yeah it is pretty good,"Soren said.

"Eh I don't like it,"I said shrugging. They all stared at me like a was some alien.

"You don't like bacon!?"Leo exclaimed. "How can you not like bacon?!"

"It's just not my favorite." They all stared one last time then they finished eating. I walked out and went up top. I smiled slightly. "The sea isn't that bad... but the water is,"I thought to myself. I leaned on the rail when I felt someone grab me and act like they were going to push me off. I yelped and turned and punched them in the shoulder. "Ops... sorry Alex,"I said while laughing,"But it was your fault! You know I don't like water!"

He laughed,"I know... I couldn't resist. Next time you might go in."

My eyes widened,"You wouldn't!" He shrugged and laughed. I glared at him,"Not funny." I looked around and saw everyone watching us. "See now you know I punch before looking... or kick,"I said looking at them. They all just wandered off and I laughed. "Ok... now I'm bored." I got an idea and I grinned,"Anyone wanna fight? Eh don't worry about hurting me. Trust me you won't,"I called to the boys. At this point I was willing to do anything.

"Princess.."Alex warned.

"What? They can't hurt me and even if they do I'll just get stronger. You don't have to protect me."

Alex frowned slightly and I heard Percy say,"I'll fight you."

I grinned,"Alright abilities or no abilities?"I asked.

He thought and said,"No abilities this time."

"Alright. And no deathly blows right?" He nodded. "Ok so who wants to do the countdown?"

Leo jumped up,"I will!"

"Ok,"I responded.

"One," I grabbed my rubber band.
"Two,"It changed into my knife.

Percy charged me with his sword, Riptide, in hand. I dodged to the side. My body tensed and I let my instincts take over. Percy turned and charged at me again. I worried because I didn't have a sword. But then I saw yet another button. I pressed it and it turned into a sword. I smirked and faced Percy. He swung at me and I blocked it. I jabbed at his legs and he jumped back. I looked away to find something and he jumped on me. I wiggled under him. I growled and he laughed at me. All the boys did and I felt my eyes turn red. My sword turned into a knife and I stabbed him on the leg. He yelled and fell off of me. I scrambled up, my eyes still red, Percy did the same. He stared at me. I ran on the rails of the ship and kicked his back. I sat on his back and put my knife to his throat. I growled. Percy just laid there, in shock. I felt my eyes get heavy. I got off of Percy and turned my knife into my rubber band and put it on. The boys stared at me. I felt myself start to sway. Reality kicked in and I fell to my knees. My energy was drained. I felt myself slide off of my knees and lay on the ground. My eyes started to close. I saw Alex's face but it was blurred and dismantled. I let myself fall into a deep sleep.

When I woke up I was in my bed. I groaned. My head was pounding. I ignored it and quietly walked to the dining hall. I heard the boys talking and I eavesdropped.

"How is she so powerful?!"Percy exclaimed.

"I have no clue... I mean Hades is pretty powerful... and her mom was pretty powerful too,"Soren replied.

"And why do her eyes turn red? I mean seriously!" Leo questioned.

"We will just have to ask her I guess,"Jason said.

"Yeah... but she is one powerful demigod.. like really powerful... it's like she has more than one godly parent." Alex added.

I took a deep breath and walked in. I didn't say anything. I just sat down by myself. They got really quiet. "To answer your questions..." I started,"My eyes turn red because Lupa(a wolf goddess) taught me.. but it basically gives me a burst of energy.."they just stared at me. "And the reason it seems like that.."I sighed,"Is because I was basically blessed by some of them..."their eyes got wide. "Athena blessed me.. that's why I'm pretty smart and good at strategies. Ares.. blessed me... giving me my pretty good fighting abilities but they combined with Athena. Hephaestus blessed me too... explaining the fire... and Hades' my dad so you know the skeletons.. so yep... there are your answers.." They looked at me funny. "Listen that's all I'm telling right now.." I summoned a slice of pizza and a coke and walked off to my room. I ate it slowly and a tear fell down my cheek. "They have no idea..."I thought in my head. I sighed and walked outside and looked at the stars. I climbed one of the masts, hoping to be alone. I found the crows nest and laid down. Alex climbed in with me. My face stayed expressionless.

"Princess.."Alex started. I started to cry and I laid my head on his chest. He stroked my hair. "It's ok.."he whispered quietly.

I sat up and sniffled. "You deserve to know.."he looked at me sincerely. "My mother, Rose, she was a demigod. She did a lot for the gods. She helped Athena, Ares, and Hephaestus. They were going to bless her but she wanted them to bless her child. So when I was born they waited to bless me. When I was one Athena blessed me. When I was five Hephaestus blessed me. Then Rose died and Lupa came and took me away. She trained me like she did my mother because my mother was one of her prized students. When I was 7 she left me but blessed me. That's why my eyes turn red. So I wandered around for a long time. Then when I turned 10 Ares blessed me. Every time someone blessed me they did it in person. They always confused me because I never realized Greek mythology was real. So I one day fell asleep when I was 15 and when I awoke I was here. So yeah..." I looked away from him.

He smiled and said,"Flower I'm not mad or jealous. You're still one of us. No matter what."

I smiled,"That means a lot. And if you want you can tell the guys. Then maybe they won't be as jealous or confused." Alex nodded. "Ok well I'm going to bed. Thanks... for understanding.."I kissed his cheek and climbed down. I walked to my room and laid down. I smiled feeling relieved and fell asleep.

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