Safe and Sound

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"You and I'll be safe and sound", I quietly sung the last part of the lullaby. I looked down to see the sleeping child in my arms.

I smile spread on my face. I can't believe I married the love of my life and created this beautiful soul. I gently rocked (Y/D:N) back and fourth while making my way to her crib.

I placed her down, making sure that she didn't wake up. I looked down at her, her brown hair just like her fathers. Her eyes where a bright green, unlike mine. Her eyes where just like Fionn's.

I placed a soft kiss upon her head and walked to the window. I pushed the baby pink curtains aside, looking out at the beautiful green fields of English countryside.

The sun broke through the grey clouds, illuminating patches of the grass. The light wind ruffled the red and orange trees, creating a tornado of beautiful leafs.

I smiled while looking out the window. My heart filled with happiness. I was so lucky to be living such a beautiful life, with a beautiful husband that I loved so very much, and a gorgeous baby girl whom brightened my days.

I slowly brought the curtains together, making the room dark enough to keep the baby asleep. I slowly looked around the room making sure everything was alright before I left.

I glanced once more at my daughter, making sure she was still asleep. As I was finally reassured, I walked out. Making my down the stairs, I heard light humming coming from the kitchen.

As I walked in, I spotted Fionn making a sandwich. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist while resting my head on his back.

"Hey baby", he said to me, while spreading mayo on his sandwich. "Hey whitebread", I joked.

"Even after two years of marriage, and you still bring that joke up whenever I'm making a sandwich?", he grinned.

"I'll always make fun of you wheathead", I giggled as I pecked his cheek.

He spun around, facing me. "Well I guess you forgot that it makes you Mrs.Wheathead", he smirked.

"Touché", I said.

He smiled at me, his eyes turning a lighter green. He leaned in and softly pecked my lips.

"I love you (Y/N)", he said as he embraced me in a hug.

"I love you too Fionn", I mumbled into his chest.

We stayed like that for a while, not saying anything yet enjoying each other's presence.

"How's my little princess?", Fionn finally spoke, asking about (Y/D/N).
"She's taking a nap. She looks so much like you", I said.

"Are you kidding? She gets her mother's beauty. And she's going to have your kindness and generosity. She's going to be compassionate just like you. And she's going to love nature. And she's going to drag me into the forest so she can take pictures and embrace everything the world has to offer.", Fionn said.

"But how do you know?", I asked him, curios about what he said.

"Because she has a mother like you. And she's the luckiest girl to have a mother like you. Me and (Y/D/N) are the luckiest people on this planet to have you", he said while planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Fionn, remember the night we met? When I told you that you are a self obsessed dickhead? Well I'm so glad that I said that to you, because if didn't, I probably wouldn't have ended up with you. And I can never imagine not being with you", I said, my eyes tearing up.

"Well (Y/N), I'm your dickhead", he said, while laughing.


Hey y'all! I finally updated after like forever. Seriously school need to piss the fuck off. Like I have so much hmwk and assignment I feel like my life is slowly sinking. Anyways how's your school year so far? Comment and let me know!

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