Cover by: pugsnkisses18


I nibbled on my bottom lip as I turned around, avoiding eye contact with him and he let out a low chuckle. I used to adore his soft laugh, but was nothing but pure evil and sickness.

I never realised how much I wanted out of here until now. My body ached constantly and all I could do was slump in defeat.

"Dammit Lilly! Are you even listening to me right now" I felt myself be shoved into the wooden door. A yelp escaped my lips and I let the tears roll down my cheek and my breathing seemed to stop as someone started banging on the front door.

He ignored the loud knocking on the door and leaned down to my height now that I was sitting in the floor, up against the door. His thumb grasped one side of my face as his other fingers took hold of the other side. He yanked my head up and made me look at him. He chuckled again and I gagged at the scent of alcohol. "go into the bathroom and stay silent until I come and get you" he says slowly and I nod, scrambling to my feet as I make my way into the bathroom.


Did I know how long I was in there? No. I couldn't even tell. It seemed like it was forever even though it was a few minutes. My head began to spin as I lost my balance, feeling myself fall as my head came in contact with the bathroom door. The last thing I heard were sirens before it all went black and silent.


I forced myself to push my eyelids open and when I did it was completely useless. All I saw was black. My head pounded as if a tennis ball was bouncing up in down inside my brain as I felt the soft fabric and foamy comfort beneath me. I was in my bed. When did I get out of the bathroom last night.

I allowed myself to sink into the mattress and pillows more and inhaled deeply before sitting up and swinging my legs over the side of the bed. The room smelt of strong, heavenly and comforting cologne, nothing like the thick and nasty alcohol scent I was used to.

My feet sunk into a cushiony padding on the floor and my head pounded even more. I grasped the side of my head and grimaced as I stood up. I took small and slow steps as my eyes adjusted to the dark. I made out the shape of the door, well a door. My hope left my body as I noticed that I had opened the door to a bathroom that did not belong in my apartment. I shut the door and let myself slide down the wall as tears streamed down my face while memories of the night before flashed through my head.


I felt around the room and my finger hit a light switch. The room I was in was beautiful. Spectacular even. It definitely didn't belong in an apartment. The walls were grey with white trim. The large and messed up bed was a king size and had a red velvety cover on it with white boards. The furniture in the room was white and the floors were wooden with a rug in front of the bathroom door and next to the bed. I walked over to the bed and slowly tidied it up. Next, I knelt in front of the nightstand and examined the first photo in a blue frame. There was a couple in the picture, well make that both pictures. The woman was beautiful. Her hair was grey and she wore a gorgeous blue ball gown and the man next to her wore a tuxedo and a bow tie. They both had perfectly straight and white teeth.

In the next photo, this couple was younger. A male with bright green eyes and perfectly tanned skin and brown hair had taken a picture, or, a selfie, with an equally as beautiful woman who had the same green eyes and bright blonde hair. In the background, a cruise ship was visible as well as the ocean. As I got a better look, I realised that the two in the picture had to be related somehow. My bad for thinking they were a couple.

Then it happened. Realisation hit me. The man the second picture was the man who busted into the apartment last night. I gulped and headed for the door that I hoped lead into another area of the house.

The creaked open and I looked around cautiously. I tip toed out of the door and wrapped my arms around my small frame and continued until I came to the edge of a staircase. My eyebrows creased together as I heard a deep voice muttering words that I couldn't quite make out the words. I felt my stomach twist into knots as I slowly walked down the stairs.

"What's your name?" I ask the male in front of me and try to give him a small, genuine smile. His head snaps in my direction and he yanks his phone away from his ear and makes eye contact with me.

His green eyes pierce back into mine. They were soft and looked concerned. This was the first time I had seen that look in a while. He didn't reply. He just looked at me. I turned my back and started to walk back up the stairs.

"My name is Sean."


Poor Lily.

I'm lost right now trying to figure out what to put in this authors note.

Sorry yall.

I need a cover though so if anyone would like to go for it, that would be great. Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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