New York isnt awesome. It's not the most dreamy city to be located in. You have to scrape change to get 20 extra minutes in the car park timer. Where I lived, it was a place where I saw a Mafia associater on every street. I would see SVU be shot when I was there in 2004. I remember the green, half broken garbage can, no one would throw trash into, there was more trash outside than inside.
Murder wasn't common where I lived, homelessness was though. We had an icey man that came every Sunday and I would get a mango icey everyday. Maybe I would switch it up and get coconut. He let you mix.
I miss it. I was really Isolated there. I had no internet connection, so I learned from my sisters and they're books they would bring from school. School was confusing. We called our teachers by theyre first names. My teachers name was Erin. She taught me how to sew, cook, read, draw. Life skills. Ive heard stories about people. About their time here and it messed me up. Though all the good stuff was amazing, its still a city of nightmares.