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Since the moment that taylor came home you've been fighting nonstop on how you new him to be there for you and your son a lot more. He's was always clubbing and going to bars when he wasn't at magcon. You needed him to spend that time with you and your child. (Y/s/n)(your sons name). You guys were in the living Room standing by the staircase that leads to (y/s/n)'s room. After spilling out all of your feelings there were no screams left ,

But he was still holding a grudge and wasn't planning on loosing this fight.

Taylor:"(Y/n) why do you have to be so ** clingy?!!"

You: " excuse me?!! You think that wanting my child to see his dad is being clingy?? Is that too much to ask from you mr.douche??!!"

Taylor: "you're honestly ***** impossible!! I've made many mistakes in my life but the one I regret the most is getting married to the biggest b**ch alive!!!!"

You: ( you turned around because tears started streaming down your face in tons per second, like a waterfall, you didn't want him to see you cry. Then you let out a weep and he new you were crying , he cursed at himself , rubbed his face and threw his bandana on the couch , you sprinted up the stairs before he was able to grab your hand and apoligize.)

* Taylor's pov:

I just told her the worst thing I could ever tell her. I really don't know what to. She just slammed the door louder than I've ever heard a door slam. I run up the stairs and try to open the door to our room it's locked(obviously), so I pick the lock and come in , her Face is buried in a pillow fort , my room Is almost flooded by her tears.

*your pov:

Taylor sinks into our bed next to me and he is very silent which is an unusual thing for him. He usually gets this quiet if he's really upset or hurt or if he's crying. I face him and see the tears steaming down his face , I don't say anything but instead I take the sobbing to the next level. Suddenly I see taylor pull out his phone from his jeans pocket.

*taylors pov;

This was definetley going to far, If I won't put an end to this now I don't what will happen. I reach for my phone and call Bart. I put the phone on speaker

Bart: hello

Taylor: hey Bart it's taylor

Bart: hey taylor I was actually going to call you today, we are planning one having a worldwide magcon tour this year

Taylor: about that Bart...... I really love being part of magcon and everything but I need to take a small break. I can't go on the tour this year

Bart: why not?

Taylor: i really need to help (y/n) take care of (y/s/n) and I need to be there for her right now, I'm really sorry

Bart : oh I understand no worries there's always next years tour.

Taylor: ya

Bart: ok good talking to ya kid

Taylor: bye

As I hung up the phone I concentrated on (y/n)'s expression. She whispered to me thank you with a few sniffles here and there.

*your pov:

Taylor just saved himself. That was really brave and sweet of him but it still didn't quite solve this fight. Taylor put both my hands in his hands and began with his apology speech, these were usually cheesy and cliche (two things I liked)

Taylor: (y/n) listen. I... I know I really messed up. The thing I said about marrying you just slipped out of anger. I didn't mean a single word of it. Saying that was the mistake I regret the most. And I shouldn't have cursed at you or screamed at you or scared you or made you cry. I hate fighting with you just as much as you hate fighting with me.

(You just nod)

Taylor: I just want things to go back to how they used to be. When we were partners in crime, when we were lovey dovey love birds, when we were that goofy, funky, wild, careless , inseparable couple. (Y/n) will gladly be that half of me again?

(You were tearing a little because you knew that what he said was true.

You: gladly! (You cup his face in your hands and you guys exchange a passionate kiss that you longed for forever)

You both were happy that not only did the fight end but life would be much better now as well.

Taylor: I love you more the my life (y/n)

You: my love for you is indescribable

(You both laughed)

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