Travis & Connor

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A/N language later just thought you should know

Travis and Connor

both of them were sent to the same school after they um....... let's just say after one of their pranks harmed a son of Hades.

they are not losers but at the same time not popular they have a few friends and leave school after an unexpected person shows up


Travis' POV

me and my brother Connie were walking down the hallway with our friends I was zoning out in the chat when something my buddy Ryan said caught my ear.

"Hey Stolls did you hear that there'll be 2 demigods that will stay here for the day because the god and goddesses will tell something about the war" he said snapping me back to reality.

"Really who?" I said almost eagerly "They said it would be 2 girls and said they only came here to visit a demigod here" Alice said from beside him my jaw nearly dropped. 'crap please don't be them please don't be them' I chanted in my head

"What are their names?" Connor asked stuttering slightly his face paling "nobody knows and they said that the demigods here will have to reveal themselves" Alice said 'crap crap crap crap' I chanted in my head Katie my lovely deadly girlfriend, will kill me same with Connor but for him it was Luna "why are you guys panicking?" "nothing" me and my brother said in unison our friends looked at us suspiciously, Alice was about to say something when the speaker announced something.

"Will all students go to the assembly hall for the our guests the greek gods and goddesses" our principal said me and Connor ran in the assembly hall with Ryan and Alice in tow.

when we were their we sat at the middle so that Luna or Katie couldn't see our faces we thought if we could survive the 3 hour torture and threat we were home free. But noooooo Hera had to go all family is important mode, Percy's right Hera is my least favorite goddess.

"Because of our expanding family we thought we should reveal old and newly acclaimed demigods here this was the idea of our 2 of our demigod children" Katie and Luna smiled Katie sending a brief glance at my direction I was going to be dead maybe I could make an escape I can sneak away to the outside.

Connor was tugging my shirt and looking panicky no one seemed to notice our worry because they were to excited thinking they were demigods I need to find an escape!!!

'Oh Travis dear this is Katie your also on with Connor and Luna there's no point in escaping your fate right know Rachel predicted that, that's why were here' Katie said but the last part said by Luna 'Lu you know I love you' Connor started 'but did I mention the fact I hate you for being blessed by all the gods and goddesses and using them against us' Connor finished 'around 17 times' Luna admitted "everyone I know you are all excited but I'am sorry to tell you no one is a newly acclaimed demigod" Katie announced there was shouts of disbelief and groans a few bad mouthed them, it was getting annoying Travis thought he was about to say something when Luna beat me to it

"SHUT IT!!!" Luna yelled the entire assembly became quite even the gods and goddesses bickering died "as we were saying there are 2 demigods here aside from us please" the mortals started looking around me and Connor did to just to blend in just then Cedric (A/N I'm to lazy to think anymore new names so sorry if I'm using yours) stood up "hi babe" he said to either Luna or Katie me and Connor were practically shaking in anger it seems our parents had the same idea they had looks of disgust but no mortal paid attention to them they were gaping in shock at them then his best friend Dave stood up and winked at Katie 'watch this Travy' Katie mm me 'I might enjoy this but when will you stop calling me that' I stated to her through mm 'when you stop pranking' she replied I could see her biting back a laugh replacing it with a smirk blew a mental raspberry at her I saw a image of her rolling her eyes 'your so immature' 'oh, I love you too kit kat'


Connor's POV

I was having a small mental chat with my lovely girlfriend when popcorn appeared yum! my favorite caramel I also saw that Travis had one I offered to share my popcorn with Alice while Travis to share with Ryan their mouths dropped when they realized me and my brother were the demigods we pressed our finger to our lips signaling to keep it quite "enjoy the show from our lovely girlfriends" we whispered in unison to our mortal friends "oh hey guys you must be the demigods studying here" Katie said smiling "of course babe were your boys remember" Cedric said winking at Luna she just smiled a fake but convincing smile I saw a mental of her fake puking I mentally laughed at her and she sent me a mental mocking glare then in real life I saw her fake smile turn into a annoyed look "oh, I'm very sorry you gods damn fakes but just to be sure give your godly parent and one fact about your cabin" Luna said to him a few gods and goddesses glared at her *cough*Zeus and Hera*cough* "sure were half brothers of Hermes and our cabin is always helping" Dave said I nearly burst out into laughing but I stuffed my face with popcorn my brother doing the same "I'm sorry you friking fakes but neither of them is true right cousin Hermes" Luna said glaring at the boys and smiling triumphantly at our dad giving a give me gesture "correct Luna, and I have to say my 2 sons whir are not you fakes, both of you chose well" Hermes said handing Luna a small pouch which was probably filled fake drachmas the hall looked at her in envy being friends with a god after all

"my daughter chose well to" Poseidon said smiling his eyes twinkling at my direction "of course dad and Hermes can you give me the real ones these are knock offs" Luna said looking accusingly at him I smiled Katie was also looking at Apollo "you also lost the bet Apollo" she said Apollo pouted and handed her a small pouch Katie took a look at them and nodded in satisfaction "how do you two know?" Hermes asked a bit surprised "after studying them well in free time with a real one it's easy know as easy losing your wallet in your kids cabin" "that's not nice Lu" I said unison with my brother standing up I started cursing in Greek in her plan to reveal us "will you two sit down losers" Dave and Cedric said we glared at them we sneaked behind them hidden in the shadows via. Luna we appeared in the stage

"Connor" I started "and Travis" he continued "Stoll sons of Hermes but not twins" we said giving them our signature introduction then suddenly the bell rang making it end if the day "you may go know" Zeus said they left a few girls winked at us Luna and Katie scowled at them "c'mon guys we'll give you a ride home" Katie said "but your buying us food" Luna said "but we don't have any money" Travis said "as if you both didn't know that those two fakes were rich and you didn't pick pocket them and took their wallets" Katie said "we surrender" me and Travis said I lifted Luna and piggy backed ride her I ran through the halls earning weird looks as she shrieked in surprise I saw Katie yelling at Travis for picking her up bridal style.


Awww Tratie and Lunnor Luna X Connor

I have returned!!! Thanks guys for being patient with me I hope you like the chapter and Oh my gods!!!! 1k reads thanks guys!!! you guys are all awesome you guys deserve virtual cookies


Dedication goes to Team_Caleo_Percabeth for guessing Son of Neptune which the acronym for is S.O.N.

sadly she didn't get the other one it's the Blood of Olympus the title might sound serious but the acronym isn't which is B.O.O. srsly Rick?

Question: has anyone seen the amazing spiderman 2 yet? I have and I hate the ending it's so sad (no spoilers) cries for Peter 😢

For the next dedication: who is your favorite Disney princess to me it's Merida

QOTD: Uuugh I'm starting to get fat But I love food too much

Don't for get too





Bon Voyage,


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