- Chapter 4 -

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Hermione's POV:

We arrived at Hogwarts a little late. Scorpius and Estella were looking around in awe.

"Am I coming here when I turn 11?" Scorp asked

"Yes Scorp. Excited?" Draco asked


"Good. Ok, Scorp, you go with daddy and Esty you come with me."

"Ok" they all said in Unison.

Draco entered the great hall first with Scorp. I heard a lot murmurs and whispers from the outside. They must be surprised that an ex-deatheater came for the reunion with a child of his own. When I was about to enter with Esty, Pansy Nott nee Parkinson and Theodore Nott, one of Draco's best friends, came.

"Aunt Pansy!" Esty ran up to them and hugged Pansy tight

"Hello cutie!" Pansy hugged her back

"Hey! What about me?" Theo joked

"Uncle Theo!" She ran up to him and jumped to his arms

"Hey Ets! (Theo's nickname for Estella) How are you?"

"I'm great! I missed you!"

"Aww me too Ets!"

Pansy Nott nee Parkinson and Theodore Nott accepted Draco and I. We soon became friends and Pansy was like a sister to me. She was the one who helped me pick the wedding dress and I returned the favour. Theo was more of a brother to me. Esty and Scorp loves them. They were their second favourite aunt and uncle. Blaise and Luna took the number one spot. But they all love them as much.

"Wow 'Mione you look amazing" Pansy complicated

"Thanks Pans! You look stunning!" I complicated back

"Thanks Malfoy" I laughed at her comment

"Mom? Can I go to the bathroom?"

"Of course honey. Come, I'll take you"

"No need 'Mione. We'll take her. Go in and WOW them with your charm" Pansy winked

"Thanks guys." I turned to Estella "Better behave Esty"

"Okay mom" I'm not that worried about Esty. She's quite smart for a two year old.

They left for the bathroom and I straightened my dress and entered...


I heard murmurs and whispers around like "Is that Hermione Granger?", "She looks gorgeous!", "I thought she died?" and "I can't believe she is here". I smirked the famous Malfoy smirk and held my head up high and continued walking. Everyone was staring at me and I saw Draco looking at me, smirking. He must have noticed that Esty isn't with me because he gave a worried look asking where she was. I nodded, signaling to not worry about her. Everyone began to return to their previous conversation. I searched for my friends and a glint of fiery red hair caught my eye. I walked towards them and Ginny was the first one who noticed me. I haven't seen her since my wedding. 

"Hermione!" She crushed me into a hug

"Gin! Oh how I've missed you! It's been 5 years! Oh my gosh!" I hugged back

Harry and Ron then turned around and spotted me

"'Mione?" Harry said in shock

"Harry!" I ran up to him and hugged him with all my strength

"'Mione? Is that you?" He hugged me back and I laughed

"The one and only" I smiled

"Oh my merlin I've missed you so so much!"

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