Dating a Gang Leader, Falling for a Hot Nerd (5)

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Dating a Gang Leader, Falling for a Hot Nerd (5) [Watty Awards Story]

I sighed dreamily, smiling as I walked up to my room. I bumped into my mom on the way there.

"Oh, hey mom." I said, smiling at her.

She smiled at me. "Hey, so where'd you guys go?"

I smiled. "I went to Cici's pizza. It was surprisingly fun."

She nodded then looked serious. "I'm glad you enjoyed it but you do know that that's the last time you'll go out with him, right?"

I looked at her, surprised. "Um, why not? I actually sorta like him."

She shook her head. "He's a gang leader, Cat. He's up to no good and I want you to go to college. Date someone better than him. He can only get you into trouble. He dropped out of High School, Cat!"

I glared. "Mom, he's a really great guy. Maybe he'll change for me."

She laughed at that. "Hon, a guy like that doesn't change."

I ignored her and went to my room, slamming the door immaturely. I plopped down on my small bed and sighed realizing my mom was right. What was I thinking? He's a gang leader. I stood up and looked for my bag and took my small blue ipod and turned on my dad's computer which took forever to turn on. Ten minutes later, the computer finally turned on and I went online and started downloading itunes. I started to play with my hair impatiently. Twenty minutes later and the downloading wasn't even a bit done. I closed down the page and went back to my room and put my ipod and the charger back into my bag.


I yawned as I woke up, hitting my alarm clock's snooze button. I stood up from my bed and looked at the mirror in my small, all-white room. My room was smaller than a regular one but it was decorated just like any other teenager's room. It was filled with posters of guys and some of my favorite artists. I stretched and went to the bathroom, taking a quick shower. When I was done, I came out and dried myself up. I dressed into black short shorts and a plain gray shirt that showed off one of my shoulders. I dried my hair with my hair blower and put a bit of moose in it to let my curls look better. I put on mascara, eyeliner and gray eye shadow then applied a bit of lip gloss to my rosy lips. I grabbed my bag with all of my school materials including my blue ipod nano and went to the kitchen where I found my mom putting some pancakes on the table ready for me to eat. "Thanks mom." I told her and started digging in.

She nodded, looking at me.

She sighed. "Honey, I'm sorry I was so obnoxious yesterday."

I shook my head. "Mom, you were right. I'm not going to date him."

She looked relieved and kissed the top of my head, smiling. "That's good."

My dad appeared wearing a white polo short and some denim jeans.

He smiled at my mom and kissed her softly, smiling. " 'Morning, honey."

Mom blushed and kissed him back. I looked away, feeling a pang of jealousy.

I couldn't help but want to be loved by someone. Not a family or friendly love. A romantic kinda love. I wanted someone that would always be there for me and help me through the bad times. Who would make me forget all of my problems by just smiling at me. I looked down, a bit sad. I pushed away the plate of pancakes.

My mom looked at me. "Arent you hungry?"

I shook my head. "Not now."

My dad smirked, looking at the pancakes hungrily. "I am." He grabbed my fork and started taking a bite.

My mom laughed and opened the door for me to leave with her. Since I didn't have a car, she always drove me to and back from school. When we got to school, I kissed her on the cheek and left the car.

Brooklyn High School. It wasn't the most glamorous school but it was good enough. It was a big High School but we didn't have the best technology. We were a D school but hey at least we aren't an F school. I looked around and smiled when I saw my best friend, Maggie Tipton. Her wavy black hair bobbed up and down as she ran towards me with a smile, her bright blue eyes brightening. "Hey, Catalina!" She said.

I smiled at her and hugged her. "Hey."

I looked next to me as I heard loud cursing and I sighed. It was the typical Brooklyn High School fight. They began by cursing each other out and then it escalated by actually fighting with their fists and then the cellphones popped out, recording every single motion.

Maggie rolled her eyes. "This happens every single day."

I nodded and we walked past the big crowd surrounding the fighters.

Maggie looked at me. "I heard there's going to be a new guy at school."

I snorted. "Poor guy."

Maggie giggled and the bell rang and Maggie headed towards her class and I walked to my locker.

It seemed like forever as I was walking to my locker. When I finally found it, I put in my locker number and opened my locker. I was reaching to get a book when all of a sudden someone smashed into my locker, causing the locker to hit me in the face as well as the person who smashed into it. I slammed my locker closed, grabbing the side of my face. "What the hell?!?" I yelled at the guy who had smashed into my locker. He was on the ground, his books all over the place.

He grabbed the side of his face as well, his face red with embarrassment. "S-sorry."

I glared but helped him grab his books. "What happened?"

He blushed, grabbing the books from me. "I wasn't looking."

I rolled my eyes. He had blond hair in a stylish cut and had glasses that were hiding his pretty, warm brown eyes. "I suggest you don't do that anymore. You're lucky it was me and not someone else." I said to him.

He nodded. "Sorry."

I realized something. "You're new here right? I haven't seen you around before."

He nodded, blushing. "Yeah. I'm Charles Tucker." He said, offering me his hand.

I took it. "Catalina Montez."

"Um, I should go. Gotta get to class."

He nodded. "Me too."

I smiled at him, feeling a bit guilty about yelling at him on his first day at school. I walked to my first period, English, lost in my thoughts. I opened the door to the classroom and entered the almost full classroom. I sat down and took a notebook and pen out.

*I know, I know, this was a sorta boring chapter but it WILL get better! Anyways, the next chapter will be here soon. You know what to do! Sorry its soo short btw!*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2010 ⏰

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