The End

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"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Your mom let me in." Mike stands up.
"Out! Now! I don't want you in my house!"
He walks a tiny bit closer to me. Keeping enough space that I couldn't kick him tho.
"Please let me explain."
"Explain what? Just go away! I want nothing to do with you!"
"Please?!" He sounds really desperate.

Since I say nothing he starts talking.

"I'm sorry for what happened in Montana. I had a bit of a crush on you and Kylie really wanted to date that Popstar dude so we made a deal to help each other. And since you hated Mister Princess Popstar before we went; I figured it..-"

I interrupt him. "His name is Shawn, Shawn Mendes."

"..-yeah Shawn.." he continues. "You two started hanging out and complicating everything. And Kylie started to put pressure on me to hit things up with you since she got really annoyed by everything. That's why I kissed you at the pool, before asking if you liked me too. In the hope you wanted to date me that instant. But ofcourse you didn't and then later that week I fought with Shawn and you looked at me like I was a monster and I just... I got desperate that night in the bathroom. And I just.."
He walks closer again. I don't move.
"..- I really want another chance with you, I promise you; I will be the best boyfriend you'll ever have!"

I start laughing.
He looks confused, what makes me laugh even harder.

"You seriously think that showing up at my house and telling me your sad story will make me want to date you? Mike you fucked up AND I'm dating Shawn. The boy I.." for a second I'm thinking about what word to use. ""

Mike looks really sad.

"So now..-" I move away from my door and point at the stairs. "...- please get the fuck out of my house."
Defeated Mike walks past me and a moment later I hear my front door open and close.

I sigh and fall down on my bed.

45 minutes after that I put my jacket back on and grab my wallet and keys.
Then I walk to the kitchen.

"Yes honey?"
"I'm going to the mall to buy a dress."
"A dress?" My mom looks surprised at me.
"Yes mom, a dress."
"May I asked why?"
I sigh. "Because I might, sort of, perhaps have a date tonight."
My mom gasps. "With Shawn?" She asks enthusiastic.
I nod. She smiles. "So exciting! Show me before you leave okay!" I nod again.

Then I walk to my car and make my way to the mall.

When I get there Tina is already waiting in front of the mall.
I step out and walk over.

"Tinaaaa." I yell. "Hey girlygirl!" She yells back. I laugh and we hug.
"So where do you want to go?" She looks inside the mall.
"I don't know." I laugh. She laughs too and drags me inside the mall.

After 7 stores and a cup of coffee I still haven't found a dress I like.

"What now?" I sigh.
Tina looks at the time on her phone. "It's 6.20; there's still a store we can look it recently opened."
I nod as approval and we walk to the last store.
We browse the racks and all of the sudden Tina screams happy.

I walk over and she's holding a baby blue dress. "It's so cute!" She pushes it into my hands and sends me to the dressing room.

After I fitted it, walked to the counter; payed, I go to my house with Tina.

Once we got to my house it was 7pm so we hurried upstairs. Tina helps me with my hair while I put on mascara.
"Girl why only mascara?" Tina asks.
I laugh. "Because I'm not a makeup person and Shawn knows that too." Tina laughs.

When she's done with my hair I put on my dress and some white heels. We go downstairs to show my mom.
When she sees me she jumps up and hugs me.

"Honey come here, look at our beautiful daughter!" A moment later my dad walks into the living room. He smiles. "You look like a princess."

Tina and I look at each other and start laughing. I smile at my dad. "Thanks dad." At 8pm a jeep pulls into the driveway.

"He's punctual." My dad says. "Be nice!" I point my finger at my mom and dad. I already introduced him to my parents and told them what happened in Montana. Most of it at least.

They liked him but my dad still rolls into the "that's my baby girl mode" whenever Shawn is around.

The doorbell rings and I walk to the door. When I open it Shawn gasps.
"Wow... I mean.. wow. You.. look beautiful." He stutters. I smile. "You don't look that bad either. He laughs.

I let him in and when I walk into the living room my mom, dad, brother and Tina are sitting on the couch.

"That's not awkward." I mumble.
"Hello Mister and Mrs. Evans!" Shawn says happy but polite to my parents. Then he turns to Tina and my brother and waves. "Hi." They both wave back.

I cough. "So yeah we're going now." When I turn around my mom says. "Wait one second!" I turn back and she turns on her phone. "I just want a picture!" I sigh deep. "Can you take it with mine?"

Shawn hasn't told "the world" yet that we're dating so I can't risk my mom putting it on Facebook. My mom nods and makes a picture with my phone.

Then we walk outside and Shawn opens a door for me. I step in the car and as soon as we drive off I see paparazzi following us.

"I'm sorry about the paparazzi, I made sure they can't see us were where sitting."
"You don't want them to see me?"
"What?" He looks a bit confused.
"You don't want anyone to know we have a date?"

He laughs. I get a little angry. "Why the hell are you laughing?!"
He smiles. "Because you got it so wrong."
Now I'm confused. "What?"
"Just wait."

When we get to a restaurant, Shawn parks and steps out. I can already see flashes. He walks over to my side and opens up my door. Then he helps me step out and holds his arm around my waist.

A reporter yells: "Shawn? Is that your girlfriend?!" And Shawn smiles. "Yes, yes she is."

The we walk into the restaurant. We get a table a bit in the back but still nicely placed.

After we ordered Shawn takes my hand. "My sweet Ursula...-" I laugh. "Yes princess?" He smiles. "..- the reason I brought you here tonight is because I have something to tell you and something to ask you."

Curious I look at him. "Okay?"
"Okay so what I wanted to as..-"
Before he can finish a waitress puts down our food and drinks.

"Thank you." We both say. The waitress smiles and then walks away.

"So..-" Shawn continued. "..what I wanted to ask is..-"
"Yeah..?" I try to get him to continue.

"I'm going back on tour...-"

I try to hide that I'm not to happy about this.

"..- and I want you to come with me."

Wait what?

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