Part 7: The look for derek// found (pt 2)

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Kira's P.O.V

We all split up into our groups and start heading out of the house.

Me, Stiles, Lydia, Mason and Allison arrive at Stiles' house and we all went into him room.

"So, do we have a plan on how to find him?" Allison asks.

"Well.... Do any of you know how to track phones?" Stiles asks.

"I do." Mason says putting his hand up. (just pretend he can track phones.)

"Ok great! I need you to try and track down Derek's phone of you can." Stiles says, getting up and starts to set up his computer.

"What should we do?" I ask.

"Umm.... You guys can maybe try and look for clues or something? Or two of you can go and see how the others are doing and help them while me and someone else stays with Mason." Stiles suggested.

"Me and Allison could go with the pack?" Lydia asks.

"Ok then. We'll meet up later?" Stiles said.

"Yeah sure." Lydia says, walking out of Stiles' house with Allison.

Stiles' P.O.V

Lydia and Allison left to go to the others house while me, Mason, and Kira where all still in my bedroom.

"I think I found something!" Mason calls out.

"What did you find?" I asked, rushing over to him.

"Well, it looks like he didn't go far from Beacon Hills. But it would take around half an hour to get to his destination." Mason said.

"So, where is he then?" Kira asks.

"It looks like he is in town." Mason said.

"Why would he be in town?" I ask.

"Maybe so it would be harder to find him, because town is very busy." Kira says.

"Let me call Scott and tell him to come over. I pick up my phone and start to dial Scott's number.

"Hey stiles. Did you guys find something?" Scott asks through the phone.

"Yes we did." I say.

"What did you find?" He asks.

"We found out that he is hiding in a hotel in town."

"Ok, do you know what hotel?"

"Yeah, highlers hotel." (btw I just made that name up 😂)

"Ok. Me and the other will meet you guys there."

"Ok see you soon."

"Bye." Scott says before hanging up.

"We are going to meet the others at the hotel. Lets go." I say.

Kira and mason stand up and put their jackets on and we leave the house and jump into my jeep.

I was quite nervous about finding Derek. What if he doesn't want to talk to me yet? What about if he Doent want to come back?

"Stiles its going to be alright, he will come back." Kira says. I think I said that out loud.

I nodded at Kira and started up the jeep and started to drive to town.

Around 30 minutes later, we arrived in front of the hotel. We got out of the jeep. We saw Scott and the others next to his car.

"So, are we going to go inside?" Scott asks.

"Yeah lets go. But some of you stay out here so it doesn't get too crowded in there." I say.

Wrong Number//Sterek // 2021 edit: not completing Where stories live. Discover now