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*Rocky's POV*

I really hope Zuma didn't hear me say that last night! I meant it, of course but...I guess I'm still getting used to the situation myself. I watched him and Lexi sleep for a few minutes before realising that Chase wasn't in the corner of the room with the pup he and Lexi rescued. The pup was there but no Chase.
"Lexi. Lexi. Lexi wake up!" I nudged her urgently, accidentally waking the sleeping Labrador in the process.
"Morning you two." Lexi smiled. "What's wrong?" I looked to where the pup was stirring from his sleep. The other two followed my gaze and Lexi's eyes widened in shock.
"Whewe is h-" Zuma was cut off mid sentence when the sound of paws could be heard from the stairs.
"Thanks Austin." Chase called. Well I think that's what he said, he sounded as if his mouth was full. Me, Lexi and Zuma exchanged a confused look and watched again as Chase ran back to the room, carrying the puppy's bottle in his mouth before laying down and holding it while the pup drank. He didn't even notice we were watching him. Lexi's expression was a mixture of amusement and disbelief.
"Mowning Chase." Zuma said, breaking the silence.
"Morning." Chase said, still holding the bottle in his mouth.
"I'm not even gonna ask." Lexi smiled. "Come on boys, lets see what's in the kitchen for breakfast." Me and Zuma bounded out of bed and followed Lexi down the stairs. Neither of them had said a word to me about my confession last night. Hopefully, they didn't hear me.

*Chase's POV*
After a few minutes, the pup - who still remained nameless - had finished his breakfast, spilling half of it all over himself. I tried to clean him up but he tried to growl in protest, making me laugh.
"Alright. Have it your way." I smiled. My stomach gave a loud growl so I decided to join the others for breakfast. Carrying the pup downstairs, I could smell Lexi cooking and hear her, Rocky and Zuma messing around. I put the puppy down in the dog bed that Lexi kept in the kitchen and trotted over to them. Lexi looked ridiculous dancing around in her pyjamas. Zuma and Rocky weren't much better.
"Do I smell bacon?" I ask.
"Hey buddy, you sure do." Lexi smiled, scratching me behind the ear. "Rocky can you wake the others up please? And Zuma can you grab your bowls?" The two canines obeyed and ran in two different directions.
"Bowls are for wimps Lexi. Throw me a piece." I laughed.
"If you're sure." She replied. Sure enough, I caught the bacon in my mouth but unfortunately, it was extremely hot and burnt my tongue.
"Ow ow. Hot hot hot!" I whined, just as Zuma arrived with our bowls. I ran over and pushed the pile over to get to my bowl before putting my food in there and running to get some water.
"Smooth tough guy." Zuma laughed.
"Yeah yeah alright." I said, slowly walking back. Everyone else joined us in the kitchen ready to eat.
"You're in a good mood." Marshall commented.
"Course we are." Lexi smiled. "I'm seeing friends at school and Skye's coming home."
"Yep I can see my girl again." I smiled, not really thinking about what I'd just said.
"She's not really your girl." Austin smirked.
"Not yet but she will be." Lexi winked at her friend. What was she up to? She never winked unless she had a plan - if she humiliates me I swear to god... oh who cares? Skye's coming home today, that's all that matters.

*Zuma's POV*
Me and Rocky had asked to go with Chase and Lexi to go to her school and collect Skye. Of course, Chase had insisted on bringing the puppy with us. We were all pondering on names for him.
"Buster?" Suggested Rocky.
"Nah. I know a lot of dogs called Buster." Lexi said, parking her car in a space at her school.
"We'll think of something." Chase said. "Um Lex."
"This space is for the head girl." Chase looked at the plaque on the wall in front of us.
"Yeah, that's why I'm here."
"You'we head giwl ?" I asked,
"The one and only. I was voted head girl - for the senior years, before I started my online studies and I was given the option to keep my position." She laughed, as we walked into the building. Lexi had a quick conversation with the receptionist, an older lady who had a kind face. She offered to look after the pup while we were here so Lexi left the bag of pup things and carried her folder full of papers. In every room, Lexi seemed to be friends with everyone. Maybe because she was head girl, maybe she was just popular I'm not sure. She spoke to everyone for a while then we went to the next class.
We had stopped at all of her classes: drama, music, dance, maths, English and history, all that was left was science. She opened the door and we all coughed loudly, there was some smoke in the air of the science lab, coming from a Bunsen burner.
"Crikey who's trying to burn down the school?" Lexi laughed.
"Oops sorry Lex!" Called a auburn haired girl from across the room. We walked to the corner where the teacher was sat at her desk and Lexi handed her paper in then was casually talking to her teacher.
"Random experiment day?" Lexi asked.
"Yes. There's renewable energy happening on that table, dissection over there, metal reactions in the back corner and cell observations here." She smiled, pointing at various tables.
"Go on you guys, you don't have to stay by me." Lexi said. Me and Rocky didn't have to be told twice. We had met most of the people in the room before anyway and immediately recognised Cam and Baxter at the back table so wandered over to see what they were up to. After about fifteen minutes, we were walking back to Lexi as she was getting ready to go, lifting Chase off of a table where they had been looking at cells under a microscope. I was about two feet away when something silver flew past my face, skimming the top of my nose and stuck out of the cabinet next to me. I froze in fear as I looked at the scalpel. I glanced down at my muzzle which now felt cold and wet. Blood. Blood was slowly trickling down my face...

*Chase's POV*

Lexi set me down on the floor and when we looked at Zuma, our eyes simultaneously widened. His muzzle was bleeding, quite a bit. Rocky hadn't seen anything as he was stood behind the Labrador, waiting for him to move again. He walked around to the front and froze upon seeing his best friend covered in blood. We all rushed to his side and asked him what happened. The brown pup was paralysed with fear. Our heads turned upon hearing three boys snigger. Dylan and two of his friends were on the other side of the room, finding it hilarious at what they'd done.
"Damn just missed." Dylan clearly thought he was quieter than he was. I let out a low growl but stayed with my friend. Lexi passed me a paper towel to hold on Zuma's wound which luckily wasn't too deep. She walked over to the boys silently, everyone watching her every move. She rested her hands on the table and lowered her face so she was staring straight at the boy. She reminded me of a wolf, her yellow eyes flashing with anger.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"She growled in his face.
"With me? You're the one who wasn't watching the pup." I noticed Rocky turn his head and growl, his expression turning to an angry and vicious one. I had never seen the mixed breed like this.
"Don't pin this one on me! You should have some common sense or do I have to knock a few brain cells into you?" She slammed her fist down on the table.
"You wouldn't dare."
"If I were you I'd get out of here before I have to to that."
"What gives you the power?" He laughed.
"NOW!" Lexi and the teacher yelled, making the three boys laugh and march out of the room. Lexi's face turned from anger to concern as she focused on Zuma again. She went to a first aid kit and pulled out an antiseptic wipe.
"This might sting a bit Zuma." She warned before placing the cold material on the wound. Sure enough, the lab hissed in pain, clutching Rocky's paw for comfort.

After a good twenty minutes, Zuma was patched up and we were ready to go. Lexi carried the still trembling pup, with me and Rocky on either side of her. We passed the boys in the corridor as they were awaiting punishment, as Lexi had said earlier, it would definitely be exclusion, hopefully permanent. They laughed as we walked past.
"What happened to the cockapoo?" One of them asked Dylan.
"Diablo got her, she's still alive though." I froze on the spot. Skye. He had got his dog to attack Skye. To try and kill her. My blood ran cold, adrenaline rushing through my veins .
"And taking care of the others shouldn't be too hard, they're only pups." He snorted. "I'll do anything to get back at that girl."
Rocky was at my side, in the same stance, both of us ready to attack.
"Boys come on." Lexi snapped us back to reality. We turned and looked at her in disbelief. Leave them? Was she crazy? "Lets go and get Skye. Those three aren't worth our time." Ah screw it, she was right. I needed to focus on Skye and the pup now as well as my friends. I knew Lexi would keep us safe.

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