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I know it isn't proper, but can we kiss before we get to know each other?
God, I don't even want to think about the disapproval of my mother.
But you make me feel, which is all I currently need.
I don't know your name yet you know mine, and I don't like that about you.
I don't like how you seem to know everything about me and my feelings.
While on the topic of feelings, may we kiss again?
You keep showing up and taking away my pain.
This whole 'no feelings' thing was really a waste of talk.
Oh wait, we never did get to discussing that part.
Actually, we never got to discuss anything.
All that I heard about you is what my friends told me, that you'd be a good distraction.
But I'm so bloody far from feeling any satisfaction.
Then again, why should I crave any past time.
I don't believe in the world we live in, and apparently neither do you.
So why do we both try so hard to run away from the non existent tragedy.
A tragedy full of danger, like a kiss goodbye.
Because we both learned that no one actually cares until the day you die.

Lavender shut the full-of-poems, Muggle book she received from Parvati with a disapproving sigh and tossed it to the side. "Romantic relations are meant for the love of your life, not some imbecilic boy who is fine with being used as a rebound." she had told her friend on many occasions, but of course she never listened.

Instead of angering herself further by dwelling deeper on the book, the blonde raised up from the bench she was sat on and made a B-line for her ginger friend, who she once believed to be the love of her life. A ginger who's mind and gaze, as always, stayed focus on a certain Muggleborn. And with a smile on her face, she greeted the boy with zero envy in her system; because Lavender adored the concept of love but not actual love itself.

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