Evelyn 0.2

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Okay. So. I had no intention of ever continuing Evelyn. The story itself was a spure of the moment thing and I felt like they had a good, sweet story that was perfect as is. But then I watched the season four finale and Elijah on that piano was too much inspiration to let go, so I wrote this but didn't feel ready to post it. And now season 5 is out, and I don't want to spoil so I won't say too much but oh my god, Elijah in episode 3 is everything I had ever hoped Evelyn could be. So that brings us here, in Evelyn 2.0, with the aftermath of the s4 finale, but without the complete amnesia bit (always and forever promise is still gone, but he remembers his family.) Enjoy. x


Though she had known him for a few years now, there were very few moments when Evelyn Alvarez saw Elijah Mikaelson happy. Really happy, not the kind he put on in front of family or friends or even his enemies. She saw it sometimes when he looked at her, sometimes even when he looked at his family in the rare moments when they weren't trying to kill each other. But it was always fleeting, never lasting, never residing in his soul. Forever tormented by his past doings, Elijah Mikaelson struggled to find true happiness.

Or at least, he used to. Evelyn watches him from a distance now, suitcase beside her as she leans against the wall. He's surrounded by people, happy customers who silently drink their coffees and teas in bliss, but it's as if he is completely alone, utterly engulfed by his playing. Hands move over the keys gracefully, almost as if the movement is an art all in itself. It's mesmerizing. He's mesmerizing. Unbound from his family and free of his promises and memories, Elijah has found his true happiness and it is utterly breathtaking to watch.

The song ends but he is still in the moment. Eyes closed and hands hovering over the keys. He's so calm. Evelyn has never seen him this still before. It's only when the audience starts to applaud that Elijah snaps out of it. And the instant he snaps out of it is the instant he sees her. His mouth tilts upward, face lighting up in the exact way it had just a few moments ago.

He stands and bows for the audience before he moves his way through the café and towards her. He doesn't say a word, but his face is all smiles and joys as he embraces her.

Evelyn grins into his jacket. He doesn't wear his suits anymore and she's still not used to the feeling of rubbing her cheek against denim or plaid. But she's more then willing to get used to it. Not wearing his suits anymore is a clear sign. Elijah Mikaelson is finally free.

They pull away, but Elijah keeps his hand on her back. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming back today? I would've picked you up."

Evelyn rises on her toes, inching her face closer towards his. "I wanted to surprise you. Surprise, mi amor."

"Sorpresa," Elijah repeats back in Spanish as he leans in and kisses her. So sweet, so gentle. "Venga," he whispers. "Vamos a casa." (English translation: Surprise. Come on. Let's go home.)


The apartment they rent is a little one bedroom that resides on top of the café Elijah plays at. The owner of the building is a tiny French lady they call Mademoiselle Pinky, who offered them the place immedietly at half price the minute she heard Elijah play. She claimed the customers that would come because of the music would make up the difference of their rent, and that's exactly what happened. Petit Coin has never had better business, and Evelyn has never been prouder.

Elijah carries her suitcase as he follows her up the stairs and into the apartment. They do not talk about her trip. They talk instead about Elijah and how he's learned some of the 1960's songs Pinky had showed him. He tells her that he even played some of them in the café and that if he were honest, he preffered playing those songs more than what the audience sometimes requests. "Back when music was good and true," he says. He promises to play them for Evelyn the moment he gets the chance. She looks foreword to that very much.

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