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* Finally an update guys....forgive me!!!....Hope u like it.*

The awkward events of the start of the day hadn't disappeared at all as Sam, Dean and Cas loaded themselves into the impala to have a day off. It wasn't common that they got to do things that were fun so they were extremely enthusiastic on having the BEST DAY EVER!!! Dean was still spent from his shower escapade, Sam still had no clue what happened while he was gone and no one knew what was up with him, and Castiel was oblivious to everything as always. The green tress and spring flowers blurred together as Dean drove all too fast down the back roads.

"Where are we going dean?" Castiel asked turning to Dean from the passenger seat.

"To the park Cas, you always said you wanted to go. So why not now?" Dean replied. He tried to lie to himself about the fact that Cas's voice and the smile on his face didn't sent tingles down his spine. That was just all too girly for Deanie Weanie, the manliest man of all men. 100% straight and all his gay thoughts were strictly platonic fantasies. Who was he kidding. That didn't even make any sense.

"Oh. Wow, thank you Dean." Was all Castiel had to say about the kindness Dean was showing him. It rarely happened and he especially didn't think today was going to be one of those occasions. He thought he had already  ruined his chances to spent]d quality time with him. He looked over at Dean and thought he saw the remnants of a blush, but he quickly put that thought away. Nothing could make Dean blush, especially not cute moments with Cas. That would be ridiculous!

Sam sat quietly in the back seat smirking down at his phone. He had been texting Gabriel. They were arguing over who would make the first move, Dean or Cas. Sam had 20 bucks on Cas. He thought Dean had too much pride and not enough guts so admit to something like that. Gabe figured it would be Dean since Castiel was so shy. He asked Gabe to meet them at the park so they could plot against their brothers. Ya know, to help em out. Give em a lil, ya know nudge.

Dean puled into the park and they all stepped out. Castiel was practically vibrating with excitement and Dean just looked around enjoying the peace and quiet. Sam just walked off, not even saying he was leaving. Dean frowned after him but shook it off; he must have better things to do. Dean looked back over to Cas and saw that he had already wandered off. He was standing hunched over in the middle of a field staring down at what must have been a flower or a bug.

"damn it Cas," Dean grumbled as he sauntered off after his fallen angel. "Cas what are you-----?" Dean couldn't even finish his sentence when he had reached him because the new human quickly silenced him.

"SHHHHH, Dean. Im following a honey bee. He seems to be engaged in some sort off argument with himself. Like a midlife crisis." He whispered,

"Uh, Cas buddy. How can you tell that?" Dean asked, he was actually really curious about how Castiel could tell what was wrong with a friggin bee. That was beyond strange, but for Cas it was kinda normal.

"He has a particular expression on his face." Castiel answered. Kind of like the one you have when you're debating something of import. Like this morning when we....and I...." Castiel's words faded off as he realized the awkwardness of the subject.

"Uh hu," Dean answered, choosing to ignore that Castiel has called his facial expressions peculiar and that he suggested Dean was going through a midlife crisis. He wasn't even that old! "What ever you say Cas."

Sam had a good reason to leave his brother and Cas. They need some a lone time together, Wink wink, and he had to find Gabriel. Like he promised Gabe was leaning like the bad ass he was on the side of a large tree smirking as he saw his Samwitch walking toward him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2014 ⏰

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