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Welcome, welcome. 

Here you can request a critic to review and critique your stories. Each critic is different so please follow the rules below and the rules of your critic. We have a wide range of critics, each critic is open to different genres and is comfortable with different ratings. 

Here are the general rules:

- Follow the rules of your critic

- Respect your critic

- Fill out the forms of your critic

- Be polite, be patient

- If there is a critic that you really want but they don't review your genre, sorry they won't review your story

- Don't rush your critic

- The critics will only give constructive criticism, they won't be unreasonable but if you feel like they are being unreasonable please go to the critic section of the Q&A book and comment there, another admin will look into it and get back to you. 

- Tag your critic in the form

The critiques will be open soon

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