1. same old shit, but a different day

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*Intro note: Reading the first book -40 weeks- will help you guys understand this one a lot, that being said, I'm making this fic more detailed, dramatic and I'm so so so excited, I've planned it in my head for months. Please, please, please comment what you think/what you think is or want to happen/your feelings or even how your day is because I want to be more active with you guys: Anyways HAPPY READING :) *


"Big day today, huh?" Jesse asks, helping me slide into my coat.

"Yes, my first day of being a registered nurse after waiting hand and foot on the nurses above me," I joke, handing William a juice box.

"I hope the chief puts us on each other's service," Jesse says, answering his pager and rushing out the door.
"It's also a big day for you too, isn't it?" I say, kneeling down to Williams height.
"What?" William asks.
I raise my voice a little and sign the sentence out to him with my hands. I turn his hearing aid up a few decimals after he points to his ear.
"Why is it a big day, dada?" William asks.
"Well, it's your first day at school, big kid school, not the nursery, you're going to get to play with friends your own age," I tell him, combing his hair.
He frowns a little bit, and he signs a sentence to me.
"What if I can't hear them and they think I'm dumb?"
My heart breaks in my chest, we knew when he was born prematurely his hearing showed signs of suffering but luckily he can hear with assistance from a hearing aid. We are using sign language as a precaution even though he has a hearing aid to help him.
"Aw, baby, none of the kids are going to think that, you are a very smart boy," I tell him, giving him a bear hug.
"So I could be like my daddies even if I can't hear like them?" William asks.
"Of course, you have all of the power to do whatever you want. But for right now, let's get you to school so you can play. Jesse is going to pick you up, okay?"
"Okay daddy," William giggles.
"Hey, I just dropped William off," I say over the phone to Louis.

"Did he fuss? I really wish I could have been there to see it, I hope you took lots of pictures," Louis replies.

"I did, I took a ton, kind of glad you weren't there, you would have witnessed me cry like a wimp," I tell him.

"I can tell you're still kind of crying, Harry," he laughs over the phone.

"He's growing up so fast, way too fast," I sniffle. "And he's so smart, and today he told me he was afraid other kids would think he's dumb because of his hearing," I tell him.

"He's going to realize sooner or later that he's one of that smartest kids out there. But luckily, one of my photo shoots got canceled, so if want, I can get him after school today."

"That's great, I'll let Jesse know! Thank you!"

"No problem, I'll drop him off at the hospital daycare, have a nice first day as well," he says hanging up the phone.


Blood samples, running labs, changing bed sheets, taking weight, blood pressure, my day is all about me being on my feet, it has been all through clinical sessions and for once, I feel like I'm in the place where I need to be. Co-parenting kindly with Louis, engaged to an amazing doctor, watching my son grow up, everything is falling into place.

I can only hope it won't fall apart.

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