Chapter 4

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I can tell I've cheered Violet up by the way her mouth keeps twitching up as if she's going to smile then she'll try to push them back into a frown as if she's scared someone will see her being happy. Even if she won't admit she's feeling better, it makes me happy just to know that I have done my part of the job. Rather than her shoo me away, I make up my mind and quickly ask her if we can go and grab some lunch. Violet tilts her head to the side as if she's trying to figure me out, but she finally nods in agreement. We walk down the halls in utter silence, before I think that the tension could get any worse, Violet suddenly says, would you like to 'wander' with me Emane?',

'What's that I ask?', Violet looks at me sadly and says,

'It's when you go to these particular places in the country and try to learn more about it. But instead of thinking of new places. I'd like to go to the places Finch and I went.', though I would never say this to her face, I want to scream at her, You want to go to all those places you brought Finch to AND bring me along? That's just messed up!, I can tell this will mean a lot to her though, so I say hesitantly, 'Sure. I'll wander with you Violet.', then I have this brilliant nickname that I've come up for her, 'I know what to call you now Violet' I say with a grin,''Why don't I call you Ultraviolet because you're literally radiating right now that I wouldn't be surprised if you glowed in the dark. And for your last name, I'll pick... Remarkeyable! It's like word play! Turning your last name for it to sound like remarkable! Yes, I think that's what I'm going to call you Ultraviolet Remarkeyable.'. I know that I've said something wrong, because once she hears the name that I've made up for her, the glint in her eyes vanishes and is replaced with a blank look of horror. 'V-Violet?' I say, 'Are you alright?', and before I know it, she's jumped on me and her once beautiful face is placed with feral rage. 'Who are you really Emane? Who are you to call me that? That's reserved for someone else!' she screams with a monstrous cry. I'm lost for words. I don't even realise she's run out of the room until someone comes running up to me and starts gushing that my eyes are amazing. Whoever this person is, I don't care, not even if it was the king of the world. I just need time to go back and take back those words and pretend it never happened.


How did he know? Is he a stalker? Has he been watching me all these years? DId he know FInch? I know that none of those questions are really important right now, but my head can't grasp that he actually called me that special name. That name is strictly reserved for Finch. Finch only. My inner conscious keeps telling me that I'm overreacting and anyone could have called me that. But I'm positive it's something more. Maybe I was meant to meet him. Maybe this is a sign from Finch saying that he's sorry for leaving me here. Maybe I made this boy up since I have no one else to talk to.

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