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A minute later a guy with a robotic wooden and metal foot comes out. Hello, there. Its OK. I'm looking for Sun Stones for the city. Its all legal and I've got the papers! Oh, hello there. Who are you? asks the man. I'm Maya and I'm Riley and this is our family. Whats your name? asks Topanga. The names Victor Crab. You must be new here. Yes we are said Cory. That's wonderful. You'll be the talk of the town. Its not aften we get new comers. Hey can you help us? We're trying to find the nearest town. Do you have a phone with you? We need to call for help. No, I don't have one with me. I'm afraid I can't help you there. You'll have to use a Postal Bird. Where's the closest town? asks mom. Yes I do. The nearest town is only about a half a mile away from here. Follow me and I'll show you the way there. Crab, why were you mining for crystals back there? asks Smackle. The big cities in Dinotopia run on large crystals called Sun Stones. Wow that's amazing, we tell him. Me and Maya are holding one another close as we're walking towards the town. I kiss Maya on her lips and we're smiling. We're entering the town and we're following Crab. Wow, look at this place. Nice town said Cory. Its not bad said Auggie. Thats when we see a dinosaur running towards us. The dinosaur is knocking things over with its tail. What? no way! Its a dinosaur! said Maya. But how? dinosaurs died off said Ava. This island must have not been affected said Topanga. Thats right said Victor. A beautiful young lady walks up to the dinosaur and the dinosaur calms down. She puts her hand an inch above the dinosaur's head. She senses the dinosaur's pain. She pulls out a bad tooth and is holding it in her right hand. Wow! that was amazing. Yeah it sure was said Farkle. Go to that booth over there and ask for a bus ticket. The bus will take you to a place called Waterfall City. Here's my card. I take it. Victor walks away. We all walk towards the booth and our family stands near us. They must be closed. I knock on the door and a Lady with black hair opens the door. She's wearing a black dress and white shorts. Hello, there. We're new here. Your names please. Riley Matthews and Maya Hart. We need to take the bus to Waterfall City. The bus for Waterfall City will be here tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. She stamps the papers in red ink and hands them to us and we take them. We also need a place to sleep for the night. Well we do have one place empty and its not a hotel. Its a barn with seven beds. We'll take it said Katy. We walk towards the barn and enter the building. Me and Maya climb into bed and cuddle. We turn off our cameras and fall asleep. Me and Riley wake up at 9:30 and climb out of bed. We turn on our cameras. "Good morning everyone. Today is our third day on this island called Dinotopia". "Me and Riley are going to take the bus to a place called Waterfall City. See you later". I put my camera in my blue backpack. Auggie and Ava wake up and then Farkle and Smackle and lastly our parents. We're leaving the barn and we meet the girl from yesterday. Hello there. Who are you? I'm Maya and I'm Riley and this our family. I'm Emily. Its nice to meet you. You too. Are you new here? Yes we just got here yesterday said mother. We're walking towards the bus when we all see it. Oh wow!! we both said at the same time. Its a Brachiosaur! What an amazing animal said mom. It sure is said Lucas. We're heading up to the bus and stop. I like the armor. It helps protect them from prediters. We're climbing up the Brachio and we sit in our seats and the Brachiosaurs start walking. How long does it take to get to the city? asked Farkle. It takes three days. Me and Maya are holding hands as we're sitting in our seats. We grow a lot of food in Dinotopia. Do you have weapons to fight off other dinosaurs? asks Cory. Well, yes. But we don't use them aften and most of the time we don't use them at all. We have other ways of defending our selves. The bus walks for three hours and comes to a stops and rests. We climb down and me, Maya and Emily enter a red tent. Me and Riley are laying in bed and we cuddle. I rest my head on Maya's shoulder and we're smiling. Emily is laying next to us. Emily looks over at us and smiles. You guys looks so cute together. We know. May I join you? Yes. Sure thing. I rest my head on Maya's right shoulder. Riley is on the other one. We fall asleep and wake up in the morning at nine o'clock. We're climbing back up the Brachiosaur and we take a seat with Emily. The Brachiosaurs start walking down the road. The sky is getting dark and a storm is coming. The Brachios stop. Brachio turns her head towards the woods. We're climbing down and we start walking towards to the woods. Topanga has her camera in her hands and turns it on. I turn on my camera and we across some gaint Tyrannosaur foot prints. There's two of them. We're following the prints. We enter a village and look around the place. Where is everyone? we ask. I don't know said the gaurd. We should go back said Shawn. We can't do that. The Brachs would never make it through the storm. Then we're staying here.

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