Chapter Four [4]

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Chapter Four [4]

As I deposit my bottom on this hard and not to mention cold concrete surface, I’ve come to the conclusion that Harry is a psychopath. He’s explained to me, rather harshly might I add, every last drop of detail that he acknowledges about my family and friends. Harry has also threatened me that he will do unmentionable cruel torturous things that would make anyone cringe to those whom I care about without hesitation if I do not do as commanded.

And as for now, I am anticipating anxiously for my first set of instructions and commands. I’m located in a different room from before, but they are still very similar. The only difference is this room- or more like cell- does not have red dry blood stains that blanket the concrete walls, instead the walls are shielded with a cream color. The floors, however, are still concrete and freezing to my dismay. On a positive note, I am at least fortunate enough to have a box spring for a mattress, and I am commanded to sleep on the uncomfortable mattress at the given curfew demanded.

Finally, I’m audible to hear the faint sound of boots gliding across the concrete floor and gradually accelerating louder as they near closer.

Seconds later, the familiar utterly disgusting Harry hikes through the metal thick substance of a door. His jade eyes scorching into mine intensely, he begins to speak in a bitter tone.

“You’re going to call your family and tell them that you are fine and then call your school to excuse yourself. Understand?”

Reluctantly, I nod slowly and manage to grip the given phone in my shaky hands.

Dialing star sixty-seven first, I nervously waited as the rings from the speaker seem to scream in my ears they sound so loud. Soon enough, my mother answers on the fifth ring. The sound of her soothing voice makes me feel a little bit relaxed and gives me a reassurance of hope, even under the menacing death glare of venomous jade eyes.

“Hello?” My mother’s angelic voice echoes from the speaker and bounces off the walls of this empty room or rather cell.

“Hey mom, it’s me,” I responded shakily through the speaker, but sugarcoated my words in hopes that she wouldn’t assume that I’ve actually been kidnapped and forced in doing this and God knows what else in the future.

“Oh, Brooke, where are you? Are you okay?” Concern is very evident in her voice and I long to be caressed in her warm arms. I wish so badly I could tell her the truth.

“Yeah, I’m staying over at my friend’s house, err… Har- Harmony’s house,” I quickly correct myself, being well aware of the questions I’m soon to be bombed with.

“What for, sweetie? Are you okay?” She repeats again, but this time concern combined with worry is laced in her tone.

“We’re doing a school project together, it’s a pretty important grade and it is a huge project. I’m fine, yeah. I’m having fun,” I lie straight through my teeth, scowling at my own words. Harry sends an impatient look my direction and I finish the call unwillingly.

“Listen mom, we’re going to get back to our project. Bye!” I tried my best to sound joyful, but obviously failed miserably, but it was enough for my mom to be convinced. Before she can protest, I killed the call.

“Now call your school.” Harry snarled, still glaring at me as I dial the schools’ number, trying to recall the exact digits. Thankfully, I was correct and the Administrator answered.

“Hello! Ridgewood’s High school Administrator speaking,” A cheerful lady’s voice beamed and I instantly recognize the voice, it’s no one other than Mrs. Walker.

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