Judges Group 2 (Open)

89 9 20

Judges who are willing to read submitted entries For Group 2.

These Judges are as follows.

(Myself) MrCrowley667





I shouldn't need to say this but DON'T bribe the judges or you'll only end up thrown out of this challenge.


If you'd like to help be a Judge for this then COMMENT HERE. Please specify which Genres you can't stand and which is your preferred. We will get back to you in a timely fashion. You can't be a Judge if you are a participant and vice-versa.

Judges are expected to read each entry once the deadline has passed and score their entry out of 100 for readability.

This means score it as you think as a reader. Grammar should not be taken into account when scoring as that is not what we are aiming for here.

We are looking for pacing, flow, themes used, overall readability, and style.

Each Judge should then highlight an aspect of the entry as a reader. (Positive or Negative) (E.g this entry was rushed and let me down as a reader.)

Judges should then vote (Yes or No) for the entries read being included as Winners.

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