Chapter 7

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Love is...acceptance.

[2014- Age 18- End of 11th]

Matt kept his distance from Li Jian for a few more months after his breakdown. He simply admired him from afar, waiting until the time was right to tell him again. In all of that time, Li hadn't apologized for his behavior that day once. Not even once. As if, Matt didn't even deserve that in the least. He didn't but, the gesture/ offer would be nice as opposed to nothing at all. Matt encountered Li Jian at his locker again except, he was pretty sure he had seen his boyfriend leave from not too long ago so what was he still doing here. "I think Minhun left already.."

"I know. I'm here for you, Whitey."

Matt felt butterflies in his stomach and his heart beat raised to just about a million beats per second as he called him by that nickname. His face turned red and squeaked out, "What?" before he cleared his throat an repeated his question, no less embarrassed than the first time that he had asked it.

"Let's date."


"I'm getting bored with Minhun.. I need excitement in my life. Besides.. I still kinda like you...don't get it twisted though, alright? This is strictly between you and me so don't go telling anyone cause I'll deny all of it, got it?"

Matt was too stricken with love to try and justify how wrong what they were about to do was. Like a lovesick boy, he nodded his head and smiled when they made eye contact. "Good. By the way, Whitey, you should get a haircut..." Li said, ruffling his hair as he started to walk away. Matt leaned against his locker and let out a sigh, "He's so cute... I can't believe we're gonna date. I can't wait!"

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