Cold As Ice

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Have you ever wondered why blue is the color of sadness? Think about it this way. You never think of bright colors like orange or pink when your in a bad mood right? It's like when your down, you want to be even more down.

So that leads us to the color blue.

It is quite possibly the most versatile color there is. You have dark blue, light blue, baby blue, sky blue, ocean could go on and on. Maybe the colors that work the hardest get the most pressure put on them.

Colors are kind of like people if you think a little harder. You have the ones who are all happy sunshine all the time. They're the yellows and oranges. Then there are those who like the be by themselves and are perfectly content with that. They're the purples and greens. But no ones every thought about the blues. Well here's what I think.

Blues are the ones who don't know who they are. They are alone and afraid of what they will become because there are so many options. They could be a dark blue, light blue, baby blue, sky blue, or ocean blue. All that pressure can become too much and they become depressed, or sad.

But maybe that's why blues are so caring. Because they understand the pain in others and are able to help them through it. In other words, blues are the nicest people you can meet, but also the loneliest.

I didn't understand any of this until the day I met him. They called him the lonely prince. He never talked to anyone and never did anything social. No one knew anything about him. But I wanted to change that. I wanted to get to know the lonely prince.

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