Chap 8 "No Birthday Party"

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Alee's POV
"We're staying at Grandpa's," I replied. "End of story. We'll go shopping tomorrow before we fly." Natalya nodded. "Ollie, we will need the jet to Chicago tomorrow afternoon."
"Okay," Oliver replied. "I'm willing to help."
"You are, by flying us," I smiled.
"How about housing you?" Oliver asked.
"I can't ask you that," I nodded.
"I'm serious," Oliver smiled. "You won't be a bother. We can stay in the DC Mansion for the night, fly to Chicago in the morning."
"What about you?" Morgan asked.
"I'll fly to Metropolis, grab a couple of friends, and come back to build your house," Oliver replied. "I am here to help my little sister out. Also, you're going to need this." He put car keys in my hand and I looked at him with thankfulness in my eyes. "You need it more than I do and you can keep it. Besides, the car doesn't really scream me."
"Yeah, I don't see you driving the Escalade around," I noddded.
"Go get some sleep," Oliver nodded. "I'll take care of this with your team."
"Thanks, Ollie," I sighed. "Let's go guys." I handed Morgan the keys as we got inside the care with the kids. Morgan started driving. "I'm not understanding any of this."
"What?" Morgan asked.
"Why would someone blow up our house?" I asked. "Why would they break into a federal agent's home? Why break into a house that Derek Morgan lives in?"
"What does this have to do with Daddy?" Natalya asked.
"Because no one messes with Derek Morgan," I replied. "You know he's not afraid." We got into the house and walked inside. Bryant and Natalya went to their room. "They spent time with Ollie that nothing is new to them anymore."
"They're growing up," Morgan sighed.
"You should be sad that your little girl isn't little anymore," I replied as we sat on the couch. "I miss them being little."
"Bryant's seven," Morgan put his arm around me.
"Who's really smart for his age," I sighed.
"He got that from you because I know he doesn't get that from me," Morgan sighed. "What do you think? You think he got that from you?"
"We are both equally intelligent," I replied. "I just think he spends too much time with Reid." The next day came by pretty fast and we were in Chicago. Morgan's mom, Fran Morgan, let us stay in Morgan's old room. Morgan's sisters, Desiree and Sarah Morgan, let Natalya and Bryant stay in their room. Desiree shared her room with Natalya but Sarak let Bryant stay in her room and she took the couch. "Fran, thank you for letting us stay here."
"Well, Derek never let me meet his wife or my grandbabies," Fran smiled. "It's the least I could do." I smiled. "So, you two have been together for nine years?"
"Mom," Morgan groaned.
"Your daughter is fifteen, right?" Fran asked.
"Yes, ma'am. Derek isn't her biological father. I had her when I was still in high school. She has contact with her real father with our permission," I replied. "Derek loves Natalya as his own, just like he does Bryant. As long as she knows who raised her, that's all that should matter."
"Mom, Daddy," Natalya stated as her and Bryant walked into the kitchen to see us. "We're hungry."
"I'll run to the store to buy some ingredients to make a home-cooked meal," I nodded. "Does everyone like chicken spaghetti?"
"Mom likes that," Morgan smiled.
"Great," I smiled. "I'll head to the store."
"Derek, go with her," Fram stated.
"I can go to the store by myself," I replied.
"No, sweetheart," Fram looked at me. "Take Derek with you. It'll be okay."
"Okay," I sighed, not wanting to argue with her. "Let's go." Morgan and I left the house and walked to the nearest store that really wasn't that far away. "Why did your mom want me to bring you with me?"
"Don't know," Morgan responded. "It's my mom." We got what we needed and left the store. As soon as ew turned the corner outside of the store. A group of guys stopped us. Morgan got me behind him. "Let us through."
"So, it's true," the guy stated. "Little FBI Agent Derek Morgan is make in town." Morgan looked at him. "Are you not going to introduce us to your little girlfriend?"
Morgan was about to say something, but I stopped him and said, "Let me take care of this." I handed the bags to Morgan and got in front of him. "Okay. You fight him, it's over with. Try to pick on someone your own size."
"You going to let your girl do the fighting?" he asked. He put his hand on my shoulder. I grabbed him arm and threw him over my shoulder. I pulled his arm and put my food on his chest and added pressure. "Ow girl! Let me go!"
"Tell your boys to back off and let us through," I replied. "Then, you'll still have your arm," He nodded and his boys leaned against the wall. "Thank you." Morgan chuckled and shot a smile my way. i smiled. "By the way, I'm SSA Alee Hotchner of the FBI in the eyes of the government." I kneeled down and let go of his arm. "But no matter what, the worst thing you can do is piss me off."
"Let's go,' Morgan stated.
We walked a couple of feet away and heard the guy get up. "So, you're not his girlfriend?" the guy asked.
"Correct," I turned around to look at him. "I'm his wife." We went back to the house. "Alright. Time to cook some dinner."
"Anything happen?" Fran asked.
"Ran into some guys," Morgan nodded. "Brett and his crew."
"Are you guys okay?" Fran asked.
"Well, Alee put him down," Morgan stated.
"You killed him?" Fran asked.
"No," I nodded. "I just swiped his feet from under him. It's one thing to annoy me, but it's another to put your hands on me."
"He laid a hand on her shoulder," Morgan sighed.
"In a sexual way?" Fran asked.
"No, but, Mom," Morgan stated. "If Alee doesn't know you and you touch her, she will hurt you. Right, Alee?"
"Yes," I nodded. "I don't do well with strangers unless on a case." We stayed in Chicago until a day before Natalya's sixteenth birthday. We went back home and landed the morning of Natalya's sixteenth. Our new house in Quantico was perfect. Oliver and his friends did amazing. "Natalya, are you sure you don't want a sweet sixteen?" I asked as I got some of our luggage from the car. "We still have time. I can put a party together in a couple hours."
"I'm sure Mom," Natalya nodded. A black Mercedes pulled up and and a nice looking guy got out. "Kevin."
"Who's Kevin?" I asked.
"A friend," Natalya replied. He got a red bouquet of roses out of the passenger seat. "At least that's what I remember when we left for Chicago."
"We'll we're not in Chicago anymore," I replied. "We had a good time though."
"Alee," Morgan called.
"Yes, baby?" I asked.
"Where did Oliver get the rest of these photographs that we never took?" Morgan asked.
"He probably had people photoshop them to replace the ones we lost," I replied. "He is a billionaire CEO."
"Natalya," Kevin walked up to us.
"Hold old are you?" I asked.
"Dishonorable discharge, USMC," Kevin replied. "I'm turning my life around, ma'am." I looked at him. "I'm sorry. You must be Mrs. Morgan."
"I would shake your hand but I have all these things in my hand," I sighed. "Morgan, would you come and get this luggage out of my hands?" My cell started ringing. "Great." I cropped the luggage and got out my phone. " Yeah, JJ?"
"We have a case," JJ sighed.
"Alright," I sighed. "Debrief them. My family and I will catch up."
"What if they ask for you?" JJ asked.
"SSA Alee Hotchner will be there as soon as she can," I replied and hung up. "Time to go." I took the luggage into the house as Morgan walked out. I locked the door. "We got a case."
"Seriously?" Morgan asked. The Mercedes drove off. "Who was that?"
"A friend of Natalya's," I sighed as we walked up to Natalya. "Why'd he have to leave so soon?"
"Kevin is my boyfriend," Natalya smiled. "He just asked me out."
"Okay," I sighed. "Let's go. We have a case."
"But we just got back," Natalya whined.
"Welcome to the real world," Morgan replied. "You work all the time."
"Let's go," I sighed. "Bryant is at Dad's so we could go to work." Morgan drove us to the office and we walked into the conference room. "Alright. We're here."
"We were just about to started debriefing," Prentiss replied.
"Are you guys good?" Rossi asked.
"We're good," I smiled. "What's the case?"
"You're not going to like this," Garcia replied a she walked in. "They found another body."
"How many bodies are we talking?" Morgan asked.
"Five, this would be six," JJ replied.
"And we're just now getting the case?" I asked. "How old are the girls?"
"We checked them against missing persons and they all came up," Garcia replied. "All abducted while they were sixteen."
"What do we know about the latest victim?" I asked.
"Yesterday was her seventeenth birthday," Garcia replied. "The coroner says she was dumped yesterday."
"Where is this case?" Natalya asked.
"Dale City," Prentiss replied. "Twenty minutes away."
"Right in our own backyard," I crossed my arms. "Where's Reid?"
"Already setting up at the station," JJ nodded.
"Let's go," I sighed. We got into our SUVs and drove to Dale City Police Department. We met Reid in the conference room they set us up in. "Reid, what do you got?"
"They abduct the girls at sixteen and once they turn seventeen, he kills them," Reid replied. "I'm not sure why but it could be a sexual predator trait."
"They usually abduct during birthday parties now," Rossi responded. "That's their hunting ground. They hunt on days of the party because of the big party crowd. Only the family knows who's invited but the people who are invited could invite a friend." I looked at Rossi. "He says all the right things and no one would suspect him."
"Why does victim four look familiar?" Morgan asked.
"Because that's Ashley," I replied as I walked up to the board. "We had an agent undercover?"
"Her unit did," JJ replied. "We found her two days later. Only because she wasn't of age."
"Why didn't I know this?" I asked.
"It's a good thing we know this because we were thinking of putting you under," Rossi replied.
"We're not having her murdered," Morgan replied.
"We need someone to go under," Prentiss replied. "We don't know where he's hiding the girls."
"Agents," a detective walked in. "I'm Detective Mills. We found another body."
"Morgan, Reid," I sighed. They left with the detective. "I honestly have no idea what to do at this point." I looked at the board. "Seven vics."

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