Chap 9 "Birthday Abduction"

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Natalya's POV
"I have a plan," I spoke up. Mom looked at me. "But you're not going to like it."
"What are you talking about?" Mom asked. I just looked at her without saying a word. "Natalya, no. Your dad will kill me."
"Care to share?" JJ asked.
"It's Natalya's sixteenth birthday today," Mom crossed her arms.
"Great. Let's throw her a party, Rossi stated. "And let the unsub know."
"Morgan's going to kill us," JJ sighed.
"Exactly why I said no," Mom nodded.
"But it's going to work," Prentiss smiled. "Come with me, hon."
"Okay," I sighed. I followed Prentiss to the office. She locked the doors and closed the blinds. She handed me a garment bag. "Can't I change in the bathroom?"
"No," Prentiss replied. "Just get in the dress." I did. Prentiss zipped up the back for me. We walked back to the conference room after an hour and a half. "Here's Natalya."
"Why is Natalya in a prom dress?" Daddy asked.
"Daddy, don't get mad," I sighed. "I'm taking one for the team."
"Taking one for the team?" Daddy looked at me. "You're only sixteen. Alee, did you know about this plan?"
"I voted against it," Mom replied. "Apparently no one listens to me. They want Natalya to play bait."
"Over my dead body," Daddy stated.
"Daddy, this is my choice," I responded. "I don't want anybody else to get hurt."
"I don't want you to get napped," Mom replied. "This is a bad idea."
"Mom, I know you and Daddy will be there to save me," I stated. I showed them the locket they got for me in Chicago. "I can always turn the tracker on."
"You're okay with this?" Daddy asked.
"I will never be okay with this," Mom pointed.
"Mom, we don't want more bodies," I sighed. "I have to do this."
"If anyone sees the unsub, injure him," Mom stated. "I'm not taking any chances on getting her kidnaped." We went to the location of the party. I tried to have fun. "Natalya, just watch your sixth, okay?"
"I know, Mom," I nodded.
"Alee!" Reid called.
"Damn it," Mom sighed. Mom and I ran to Reid. JJ was passed out on the floor. "What happened?"
"She just fell," Reid stated. "We were having a normal conversation." People in the vicinity were starting to drop. "It's in the ---"
Reid dropped as well. "Natalya, get out of here," Mom pointed as she dropped to her knees. "Go now!"
"Okay," I nodded as I ran outside. I turned around to see my Daddy fall to the floor. "No!"
"Come with me," said a male voice. He grabbed me from behind. I put up a struggle but he put a cloth over my mouth, and it was chloroform. I blacked out. I woke up in a queen size bed, fit for a princess. I activated the tracker in my necklace as I sat up. I got off the bed and looked around. "This is like a prison."
"Hey," a girl stated. "She was in a different cell across from me. "What is your name?"
"Natalya," I sighed. "Yours?"
"Cherry," she replied. "I only have a week left."
"Do you know what he's trying to do?" I asked.
"He wants a baby," Cherry sighed. "A baby girl. What are your chances?"
"Fifty, fifty," I nodded. "My parents are both first borns."
"Why aren't you freaking out?" Cherry asked.
"My parents are going to save me," I sighed as I looked around. "I'll be okay."
"They're never going to find you," Cherry nodded. "I've been here for a year."
"My parents are feds," I replied. "They're going to find me. Until then, I'm going to put up a fight."
"Will you get out before the week is over?" Cherry asked.
"I can't make any promises," I looked at her. I took off my heels and broke the heels. I tore off the skirt of my dress to make it short. "I will try to." I climbed to the top of the cell and there was a loose screw. "Yes." My watch started vibrating. It was my mom. I accepted the call. "Hey, Mom."
"How are you?" Mom asked.
"Just peachy," I grunted. "Are you on your way?"
"Your signal is scrambled," Daddy replied. "We can't get an exact location."
"Then have Garcia hack it," I stated. I got the screw loose and got the top opened. "Yes." I climbed out the top. "Mom, I'm going to keep fighting."
"You do that," Mom replied. "We'll see you ---"
"Mom?" I asked. I looked at my watch. "Signal dropped." I heard a door open. "What was that?"
"They're coming," Cherry stated.
"They?" I asked. "Great." I hid behind a cement column. Two big guys walked passed me and stopped in front of my cell. "Hmm."
"Where did she go?" asked the first guy.
"Frank, you secured her, right man?" the second guy asked.
"What do you think, Harry?" Frank asked. "I treated her just like every other girl we got."
"I'm different," I stated as I stepped out of hiding. I saw Cherry face palm, herself. "You know, I am very different from those other girls."
"Get back into your cell," Frank stated.
"I'll get right back out," I stood a few feet away.
"Where did you get her?" Harry asked.
"The party you told me to go to," Frank replied.
"Let me elaborate on that," I replied. "Yes, it was my Sweet Sixteen party. I had FBI agents as my security. My parents are FBI Agents Alee Hotchner and Derek Morgan." I looked at them. "You grabbed me, Natalya Scott. I am an agent for the FBI."
"Damn it!" Frank punched the wall. He ran at me. I dodged him and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. "Ow!"
"Come here!" Harry exclaimed. He ran at me as well. I saw a crow bar and grabbed it. I hit him in the head. "That wasn't very ---"
"Nighty night," I smiled as he blacked out. I dropped the bar. "I'll be back for you, Cherry." I looked at her. "If I every make it out."
"Good luck," Cherry nodded.
"Thanks," I sighed. I ran for what seemed like hours and never found an exit. "What the hell?" Next thing I know, I blacked out. I woke up in my cell. My clothes were changed. I sat up. "Cherry?"
"She's gone," Frank replied as he stood outside of my cell. I looked at him. "You've been out for three weeks. Gave you something for amnesia too, so you wouldn't remember what we needed to do to you."
"What?" I asked. "I've been here for a month. What do you want from me?"
"You're a fighter," Frank nodded as he ignored the question. "Even when you're asleep."
"Where's your partner?" I asked.
"He was shot by your mother," Frank replied. "You were right when you said you'll get out of here." There was banging on the door. "Just know you'll be leaving with something."
"What?" I asked. I sat on the bed trying to figure out what he meant. A couple of officers got through and took Frank away. "I want my parents."
"Baby girl?" Daddy called out. "Baby girl?"
"Daddy," I stated as I ran up to the bars. "Daddy, I'm in this one."
"Natalya," Daddy grabbed my hands. "I'm going to get you out." He looked at the door and pulled a lever. The door opened up. "Come here."
"Daddy," I sighed as he pulled me into a bear hug. "You found me."
"We never stopped looking," Daddy nodded. "Here." He took off his FBI jacket and put it on me. "Your mom is waiting outside." We walked out together. "Alee."
"Yes?" Mom turned to look at us. "Natalya." Mom ran up to me and hugged me. "You're safe now." We went back to the BAU. I sat in the conference room, just thinking. "Natalya." Mom and Daddy walked in. "Are you okay?"
"I'm trying to figure out what Frank was saying," I sighed as I looked at my parents. "He said I was leaving but I was leaving with something." I put my hand on my head. "I'm overthinking it, but I know it means something."
"They try to get into your head," Mom nodded.
"He's just trying to scare you," Daddy sighed. "You're okay, Natalya. You're home now."
"Yeah," I smiled. A month had passed and i was feeling really awful. I was throwing up and wasn't really sure why. Mom kept me at home from work, since I was already out of school. I was feeling so sick that I couldn't even go too far from the bathroom. Uncle Oliver had become my baby sitter to make sure I was okay. I was in the living room as MOm walked through the front door. "Mom."
"Are you feeling any better?" Mom asked.
"Could you take me to a doctor?" I asked. "I just want to be sure." Mom nodded and drove me to the clinic. I went through a couple test and waited for results. "Mom, thank you."
"I'm here to take care of you," Mom nodded. Dr. Fems walked in. "Doctor."
"Everything seems fine," Dr. Fems nodded. "Seems to me you're a month pregnant."
"Pregnant?" I asked. "Mom, I haven't seen Kevin since we got back from Chicago."
"I believe you, Natalya," Mom sighed, "but tests don't lie."
"Mom, I would never do this," I let a tear slip. "You raised me better than this."
"My nurse did mention she has an unbroken hymen," Dr. Fems replied. "Do you know, maybe, how you got pregnant?"
"Mom, our case last month," I quickly thought about it. "He said that I'll be leaving with something. What if this is that something?"
"I'm going to go and kill that sick bastard," Mom quickly grabbed her things.
"Mom," I stopped her. "It's not worth it. Killing him would be taking the easy way out."
"You have to tell Daddy," Mom looked at me.
"When the time is right," I nodded. "Daddy's going to kill him anyways but I'll tell him when the time is right." Mom sighed. "That is a promise."

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