Chapter 7: A Jailbreak from Munson; Sunday, August 3, 2014

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The beeping on the heart monitor increased in speed, alarming me out of a light sleep. I looked over at Leo, her usual soft face looked pained, rough almost. Her eyes shot open. Panic crossed her face. Her chest rose up and down at an intense pace. I pushed off the chair and rushed to grab her hand.

An instant calm washed over her. "Seira!" An unfamiliar voice called out. Leo's voice was barely an echo behind this unknown voice.

"Who are you?" I asked, pulling my hand away.

"I'm a messenger for Leo."

"Do you have a name?" 

"It's Khlo." I gasped. I looked into her eyes, one was blue and the other was grey speckled with gold. 

"Where's Leo?" I asked, slightly fearful.

"Still in a coma, but she's fine. The baby, not so much."

"What's wrong with the baby?!" The fear clearly emitting from me.

"I wasn't the only soul that escaped the bullet. A soul attached to me undetected, then disconnected from me after the ritual. Right now, the other soul is still in the child. I'm able to leave the child because he claimed he didn't want me near him until the birth."

"Why the birth?"

"He's going to kill my soul so he can have full control. The Devil is on his side, so he is making the child grow faster."

"How fast?"

"Too fast. There is a 90% chance that Leo's fragile, youthful body won't survive."

"How can we stop the soul?"

"Get Leo out of here, now!"

"We can't just take her out of the hospital! She's still in a coma!"

"But I have control of her body for the rest of today. I can play it cool and sneak out with you."

"Well, where would we take you, uh, Leo?"

She exhaled heavily, sorrow clouded her face. "I hate to say it, but she needs to get an abortion at a church." 

"An abortion?!"

"Yes, once the baby is dead, the soul will be release back to Hell."

I paused, "what about you?"

"Don't worry about me. I'm sure God has forgiven me by now. If not, well, let's not worry about the 'if not' part of the plan yet."

Slowly, I locked the door and unhooked her from the hospital equipment. She sighed and rushed to put on Leo's pants. We rushed to the window at tried pushing it open. No good.

"Hopefully I was right about the no pain thing!" She said before backing up and slamming herself through the window. Glass shattered everywhere and sliced into my arm. Adrenaline pushed the pain away as I climbed out the window onto the roof of the next wing of the building. I helped Leo, or Khlo, or, whatever, up and we ran across the roof. Quickly, we climbed down the fire escape and ran out to Halo's car. 

"Where are the others?" She asked, just realizing there WERE others.

"At the hotel." I said as I sped out of the parking lot.

"Why are you guys staying at a hotel?"

"Leo's been out for a week."



A week? Oh, my God.

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