TODAY pt. 2

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Taehyungs POV


"yoongi! What did you do?!"

Aggghhh....  I swear he let those stupid words and promises get to his head...

"PENNY!! Wait come back ! Stop!?!"

Jisoos Christ she's fast!


Get up get up!! Penny oh no..
I held her tightly but called the ambulance then her mother..

"hello Mrs. Taylor... It's me Taehyung...
Yes.....  Penny fainted while she was running...... Luckily I got to her..  .no she wasn't....  I was with her...we're by my house... "

Oh no she's...  Bleeding..

"Yes I'm still here...   It's just she's bleeding... .. From her head.... When she fell I think she hit her head on the concrete.... There's a small amount....  Yes I've contacted them...  "

Penny?  Please be okay
I'm sorry...
I carried her to the front of my house
Bridal style
And I put her on one of the few lawn chairs there... I held her hand and talked to her softly...

"Penny if you hear me which I kinda doubt.... ....... I hope you're okay....... I still care for you.... .. I have always felt a warm ball of energy roll around in my heart when your near me or when you do little things like laugh or greet her and there--"

"sir is this her!"

"yes, she was running back home and I gone after her to tell her I could take her home but she fell or fainted.. She hit her head"

"thank you.... What's your relationship with her...."


"she's my girlfriend "





Oh no Yoongi heard that..
I'm sorry Yoongi


Yoongis POV


"what is your relationship with her... "

"she's my girlfriend "

Why does he say that confidently!!


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