Your Best Friend (F)

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Name: Angel Green

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: 5'4, pale skin, blonde/brown hair, grey eyes that sometimes change bright yellow, BTS shirt, a hoodie, skinny jeans, black converse

Species: Werewolf

Personality: caring, can be a b*tch, can seem as if she hates the world sometimes, nice once you get to know her

Other: you've been best friend's for about ten years but don't know she has depression since she's never said anything but you could tell something was off about her, you also don't know she's a werewolf, she has trust issues, social anxiety, and some self harm scars that she hides. Also multilingual, can speak French, Spanish, and Korean.

Scenario 1:
You and Angel had a huge argument around three days ago and haven't talked since. You feel really bad even though it was her fault but you knew how hard-headed she was and knew she wasn't going to apologize for anything anytime soon. You've seen her and all she does is give you a death glare. She walks past you today and bumps your shoulder, harshly. You...

Scenario 2:
You notice Angel walking out of a bar, or more like stumbling. You were a bit confused as she had never been to one before, that you knew of anyway. You proceeded to walk over to her.
"Y/n!" She said as she put a hand on the wall to steady herself.

Scenario 3:
Make one up

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