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Brandon's Journal:

Biology was lonesome today, Nikki wasn't there due to some kind of illness.

She didn't catch that from one of the dogs, did she?

No, they've all had their shots.

I hope that she can make a speedy recovery so I can see her again. Because every moment that I could have spent with her is a moment lost, I have to get closer to her before that Negrini guy can make another move.

It's like I'm playing a game of chess here.

If he was able to get THIS close to her during his first WEEK here then there is no way that I can stand any chance against him after a MONTH.

Once again, just to clarify. I'm NOT jealous.

But maybe I'm just paranoid, maybe, JUST MAYBE...they are only friends.

And nothing more.

But that smirk he gave me Monday MUST have been some sort of intimidation method, right?


Or am I just overthinking things again?

It's just better not to think about it, I just couldn't imagine Nikki being in the arms of some guy that ISN'T me.

I have known her for 9 months now and those 9 months have been the best of my life (especially after all that I have been through). And I can't allow him to just barge in and destroy all of that work in 7 days.

It's not like I'm angry at him or anything, I mean how juvenile would that be?

Just like I'm NOT JEALOUS.

It's a shame that Nikki wasn't there today, I was going to invite her to Fuzzy Friends to hang out.

Instead, I'm looking at these three of the photos of her first visit on my phone. Just looking at these photos and knowing how happy she looks just makes me feel all warm inside.

It just irritates me that there's a possibility that she might begin to like Maxwell more than she likes me.

But instead I called my good friend Max (CRUMBLY by the way) and invited him to hang out with me at Fuzzy Friends.

I thought that maybe I could talk my inner problems through with him.

"So, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" He asked me, reading one of his Incredible Hawk comic books.

"It's nothing really, I'm just kinda paranoid." I said.

"Oh, what's up, don't tell me the shelter's bankrupt again?" He asked.

"Not at all! We're actually great thanks to donations, and Nikki's help. But... I want you to tell me everything you know about-" I tried to explain before I was cut off.

"Maxwell Negrini?"

What the heck? REALLY? It seems like everyone knows this guy or something, like he's following me like some storm cloud.

Everywhere I go, he's there! I wanna meet Nikki, he's there! I wanna talk to Max at Fuzzy Friends, he's there! How long before he starts following me to the bathroom?!

And NO I'm not jealous!

"You know him?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. You've met him before."

I tried scanning my memories, but there was no recollection of me ever meeting this guy.

So I gave Max a look of confusion. "Are you sure...?"

"The Halloween Party! Boo at the Zoo, he filled in for me to do the UV painting, remember?"

Now that he mentions it... I do remember recommending Max to the Planning Committee, except Max couldn't make it.

Instead, Max recommended a replacement artist...

Think... THINK!



BRANDON: "Sorry, but did you see a girl dressed in a giant rat costume run past here?"

MAXWELL: "Uh... Sure, she took off down the road."

BRANDON: "Thanks."


That was him?!

"So, he attended South Ridge huh? But remember that Chloe, Zoey and I were there on exchange. So, why didn't I meet him? How and WHY is he at Westchester Country Day?" I had to get to the bottom of this.

"Okay, well... He also took part in that program, it's not just students from WCD being sent to other schools you know. He spent his time during the exchange at WCD and impressed everyone there SO much that he was offered a chance to earn a scholarship to Westchester High next semester. That's what he told me anyway, when he left South Ridge." Max explained to me.

That's pretty interesting to know, I wonder what happened at WCD during my absence.

But then I thought about how he said that Maxwell himself told him this information.

"He told you this? Seeing as you recommended him as a replacement on Halloween, you must be friends." I asked before Max answered with a bombshell.

"Of course I've talked to the guy, he's a great friend of mine and Erin's. Sure he was a little stoic and pessimistic at first, but we broke through that shell barrier and helped him become the guy he is today! He's the one who helped Erin and I become a couple."

"Seriously?!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Not only is he a friend of Max, but a great friend?!

Wait a minute, if he brought Max and Erin together then he MUST be planning on bringing me and Nikki together or something.

Perhaps he's this super talented wingman, or matchmaker?

I've been such an idiot.

"So, why are you paranoid about Maxwell, I could talk to him if you'd like?" he asked me.

"I was worried that he was going to start dating Nikki or something like that. *Laugh* I'm being stupid, right? Please tell me this is all in my head." I desperately pleaded.

", don't worry about it. He just, uh, likes to become friends with artists, I guess? Yeah that's it. He's totally not going to make a move on Nikki and put you into a cataclysm of self-doubt or anything. Nothing like that..."

I've been worried about NOTHING this entire time? Wow, sometimes I can be such a complete idiot.

But if this guy brought Max and Erin together, then he could bring me and Nikki together.

It's probably better to just be upfront with him about this. I should ask him about it tomorrow.

I'll tell him that I don't need his help, and ask if he could perhaps leave us alone?

Max had nice things to say about him, so surely he's capable of compassion and understanding.

This isn't his business.

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