letting it out

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Jugheads POV:
I didn't see Ronnie at school today. Maybe she's in trouble, or maybe something happened. I should really check on her, I decided to walk to her house. Her house wasn't so far from mine, I just passed Archie's house and then walk a couple blocks and I'm there. Veronica was probably ok, but I wanted to make sure she was. I walked past Archie's. He was sitting outside with his guitar, of course his music is more important than Veronica. I decided to walk over and talk to him. "Hey Jug. What's up?" Archie asked me. I sat down on a step of his porch. "Nothing much just passing by. Have you heard from Veronica?" I asked him, I doubt he cared but I wanted to ask him. "No, I haven't I'm actually really worried about her. She left without me on Friday. Do you know where she is?" He asked me. He really had no idea. He was clueless. "Are you really worried about her Archie? You know you don't have to lie to me, your not worried about her. If you were you would be out looking for her." I responded really pissed. Archie looked up . "Jug, of course I'm worried about her she's my girlfriend. And why would you think I'm lying. What did I do?" Archie asked. "Wow Archie, how could you be so stupid?" I yelled. Archie got up. "What the hell is your problem? I don't know what I did for you to be mad." Archie responded. "You seriously have no idea what you did? So you didn't have sex with Betty?" Archie stayed quiet. He didn't know what to say. "Jug, how do you know about that?" He asked me sounding nervous. "So it's true? Wow Archie that's low, you went for her best friend man. That's not cool. " I said. "Does Veronica know? Did you tell her?*pushes me*" Archie says. I turn around. " Veronica saw you guys, so did I. Archie why did you cheat on her?" I asked him. "Look Jug-" I quickly responded, "No Archie, Veronica didn't deserve what you did to her. And honestly I'm just wasting my time being here. So goodbye Archie." I said leaving. I knew that Archie wouldn't come after me. That's why I left. 

Veronicas POV:

I got home and went straight to my room to change into something more comfortable. My shorts that I wore for cheerleading and I just put on an undershirt. I went to lay down on the couch when I suddenly hear the doorbell. I go to the door to see who it is, it's Jughead. I open the door. "Hey." We say at the same time. I smile. "You ok? You weren't at school today." He asked me with a concerned look. "Yea I'm fine, I just didn't want to go to school." I answered. "Betty is just.. ugh I don't wanna deal with her. I went to talk to her today, and she says she didn't mean for it to happen but, Betty wasn't drunk." I explained to him. " I talked to Archie today too. He's so stupid, I don't know why he would do that especially to you." He said to me. I smiled and looked up. "Let me guess, Jug does Veronica know. I'm worried about her. I was drunk. Archie thinks I'm stupid." I said to him mimicking Archie. "Well he's dumb, he made a big mistake. He just lost the most smart, beautiful girl." Jughead said to me. I smiled and looked at his eyes. "You think I'm beautiful?" I asked him. "Well, yea. You are." He said. "Veronica there's something I've been meaning to tell you. I-" he hesitated. "What? What is it Jug?" I asked him. He stared at me and then his lips were against mine. His lips were so soft and I felt something I've never felt when I kissed Archie. I looked into his eyes. He looked into mine. We smiled. "That was a heck of a kiss." I said laughing. "Veronica, I love you. I've loved you since the day I met you." Jughead said to me. "I love you too, all this time I really had a crush on you. Jug, all this time you were right in front me." I said. I hugged him. I felt safe once again, something I hadn't felt in a long time. I kissed him goodbye and went inside. I looked out the window as he walked away. Finally, I had opened my eyes.

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