The meeting

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The cafeteria had always been among my favorite places at school. The walls were a comforting period blood red and the scent of beef? Was constantly wafted throughout the room. It was like a second home to me. But my favorite part were the people. I liked to watch them enter mingle with one another. The way they talked and ate and laughed did something to my neither regions that I could not explain. I let out a moan as a tubby kid names Gerald shoved an entire foot long into his mouth. That was the problem though, I couldn't help my body's reactions to people. That was why I ate alone and had no friends despite being beautiful and amazing in all other ways. People just didn't get my kink.

I felt a presence to my left and turn hesitantly in that direction. As I mentioned before no one sat within 5 feet of me because I let out weird sex noises a lot and it was somewhat off putting to the stupid idiots that just didn't understand. The first thing I noticed was it's hair. It was the most vivacious color of red I had ever seen. I let out another low moan. The color red was another one of my kinks. Then my eyes traveled down his forehead, this takes a while because oh my lord did he have a lot of forehead. And then I saw it's eye's. I was quaking. His eye's were like two pools of smocking soulless garbage water. I follow the two red stripes that ran from his eyes to him mouth, over the delicate pale mountains that were his cheekbones. To top it all off was his smile. Oh my god, I couldn't help it. I screamed and quaked in my seat at the top of my lungs. A few people at the tables closest to us turned but honestly it wasn't that big of a deal because cafeteria's are loud anyways.

I cover my mouth in shame and avert my eyes. Suddenly embarrassed for my outburst. He takes my hands in his own and brings them away from my eyes. I peak over at him, I could feel my cheeks becoming redder and moaned again because as I mentioned before red was one of my kinks. It's a vicious cycle really.

"It's okay. You should never be ashamed of your body's reactions to things." OH MY GOD HIS VOICE WAS LIKE A BALLOON HAVING THE AIR SLOWLY DRAINED FROM IT THAT WAS ANOTHER ONE OF MY KINKS. I moan and he smiles wider. For the first time in my life I didn't feel shame for it.

"That was beautiful. What's your name?"

"Latifia Tittyfuck the iii" I manage to mumble out despite my racing heart. "And what's your name?"

"My name is Pennywise the Dancing Clown; and my pronouns are that they and it." He finishes with a dazzling smile. When he says it I quake with pleasure. There was something about it that just felt right.

"You must be new Pennywise, I'm certain I would have noticed you before. Where are you from."

"My dreams" I mutter under my breath to low for it to here.

"Well I've been just about everywhere, honestly I can't really claim one place as my own." I can't help but think that his mysterious childhood is really hot, moving is one of my kinks. I moan again but he still doesn't seem to mind.

I hadn't felt this accepted since my last boyfriend Dickcardo, he was the new kid before Pennywise. He was deaf, so he never knew about my moaning. He was pretty good at reading lips but he never noticed the moaning because you didn't really have to open your mouth for that. But then I learned sign language because I'm also really smart and also I loved him and I wanted to be able to talk to him better. But then I couldn't stop signing the word moan every time I actually moaned and he finally caught on to me and left me. We dated for 2 weeks but it took 2 years to get over him. I had only recently started opening myself up to love again. Maybe Pennywise was here for a reason. I kiss my cross necklace and send a silent prayer up to Jesus thanking him for this gift of an it. And then I go back to talking.

"Wow, that must have been cool. Getting to see all those places. I've only ever lived here, and this place is totally not part of my kink."

"Yea I feel ya. But I think I know one place that might be part of your kink. You interested?"

"OMG YEA OF COURSE!!!" I yell and then quickly realize that I was acting way too intense and I might scare him away if I kept it up. "I mean yea sure, sounds cool whatever." I say, 69% cooler than before. I smile and he just keeps smiling, honestly I don't think he can not smile but whatever I fucking saved it like a smooth criminal.

"Okay litty titty. Meet me out front after school." He exclaims as the bell rings. And here I thought lit had gone out of style. I'm such an idiot.

"Okay." I yell after it as it makes it's way through the crowd other kids. It towers over them both literally and figuratively. I sit there moaning and quaking as I watch it form disappear through the door. There are only three things that I am absolutely positive of right now.

1. I'm quaking

2. The color red is the best color and

3. I am gonna fuck Pennywise the dancing clown if it's the last thing I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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