Chapter 20

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I woke up to his fingers running through my hair and all snuggled up under several blankets.
"What time is it?" I said sounding groggy from being half asleep.
"Shhhh, go back to sleep babe it's only 8:30 you've got time." He says pulling the blanket up farther over me.
"What all are we doing today other than just the show?" I ask starting to sit up a little bit.
"I'm not sure." He says quietly.
Well that was weird he always knows what we have planned on what day. Not only that but he was being quite normally he has a smart remark or is very energetic.
"What do you mean? You always know. Is there something wrong love?" I ask him grabbing his hand closest to mine.
He smiles before looking at me in the eyes and says "Moms not up yet and dad left early to make sure everything was in order for tonight. I do believe when mom gets up she was going to go downstairs and do autographs and things with fans. Do you want to go with?"
"Eh kinda but my ears hurt from all the screaming." I say and he laughs.
"If you do I have something for you."
I knew it there was something about him that wasn't right.
"Really?! What is it?!"
"You actually thought I was going to tell you?"
"Not really but I still wanna know." I say anxiously.
"Well you have some waiting to do. But for now go back to sleep."
"Why?" I say trying to mess with him still half asleep.
"Because I like being used as a pillow." He says smiling down at me.
"Well if that isn't the cutest thing I have ever heard." I say as he just shakes his head at me and I try to go back to sleep for a little while.
I slept for about another hour until I finally got up and started to get ready to go out.
"Good morning Em!" I hear Celine call out to me from the door way to the room all of my things were in.
"Good morning! Can I finally hear the song you chose for the opening?!"
"Well Rene and I did agree on a song but I'm not telling you have to wait until soundcheck if you make it in time." She jokes.
"Ugh, you're killing me!" I say dying to know what the set list will be and she laughs.
While everyone is getting ready for the day I put on some lite makeup and straighten my hair out. I grab my leather jacket off the coat rack and put it over my long sleeve cotton white top and blue jeans.
"Hey babe mom is just about ready to go out front are you ready to go now?" He calls up to me from downstairs.
"Yes love, just a second." I say before running down the long stair case. I catch RC staring deep into my eyes upon looking at me and I feel my heart soften and my hands start to shake at the nervous feeling he gives me.
"Em are you alright?" He says noticeably trying not to laugh.
"Yeah sorry." I reply not even realizing I got caught up in thinking about him so much I was just staring straight ahead of me. My adrenaline started pumping when he grabbed my right hand and gave me the prettiest smile. We walked together down to the lobby of our "hotel" as they call it even though really it's almost like a smaller version of our mansion back home. Already I could hear the loud noise of the people outside screaming every one of our names. It was still so surreal I almost couldn't believe it even though I should be used to it after so long.
"Hey I didn't realize you guys were going with Celine today?" I heard a voice call to us from behind. I turned around surprised to see Rene.
"Hey! You've been so busy getting things ready I haven't seen you in awhile I've missed you! And of course we love seeing fans it's honestly great seeing the looks on their faces when you address them." I said jokingly while hugging him.
"Hahaha, it has been busy getting everything set right before. I don't like to have delays due to difficulties. Fans come first and when they come to see Celine I want to make sure they get what they came for. I had to come today since I wasn't busy and I wanted to actually be with you guys." Rene says looking over towards RC.
"Well if mom would hurry up we could get a move on." RC jokes.
"Oh stop it leave your mother alone. She has enough to deal with especially putting up with you." I said and we laughed.
"Yeah that's why you have yet to leave me."
"You're right, your a pain sometimes but your my pain and I wouldn't have it any other way." I say shrugging only to see him just smile at me. Gosh every time he does that even after all this time I still feel goosebumps all over.
Celine finally finished touching up her makeup and came out ready to yet again greet hundreds of fans.
"Ready?" She says looking almost directly at RC.
"Yeah we are good." He says seeming to get quieter. What's going on with him? I thought to myself while trying to focus on the screaming fans as the doors opened.
Eh whatever he is probably just overwhelmed I reassured myself to just brush it off.
The moment I walked out we let go of each other's hands and I went to my right hand side to see a few people in the front screaming my name. I took a few pictures, gave out hugs, and was given a sharpie to sign autographs with. Just as I finished signing one of Celine's Falling Into You albums handed to me by a fan I felt someone grab at my hand from behind and I instantly knew it was RC because I got the chills down my spine and that feeling in my chest.
There was a loud scream and then you could hear a pin drop in that place. It was like time was frozen as I turned around to see him down on one knee in front of me holding my hand and in his other hand a ring with the brightest diamond I've ever seen.
I jumped back in complete shock.
"Oh my gosh are you being serious!?" I said before starting to break down in tears.
"The last thing I want to do is see you cry but do you remember when we were out on the London bridge talking about the future?" He says smiling nervously.
"Yes how could I forget."
"Will you let me be apart of that future and be the mother of my children my beautiful bride and my wife forever and marry me?"
I burst into tears and fell to my knees grabbing him in my arms squeezing him so tight.
"Is that a yes?" He says laughing.
"Is that a yes? Of course I'll marry you baby!" I scream loud enough for everyone to hear me before grabbing his face and kissing him on the cheek and then pressing my lips up against his.
"I love you so much my love." I say quietly to him still grabbing on to him.
"I love you so much more." He says as I lean back for him to slide the beautiful diamond ring on my finger he uses to claim me as his.
"I don't deserve this RC, even after all the hell I've put you through and even when I still let so much anxiety in-" He cut me off before I could even finish.
"Don't say that, I wouldn't have wanted to go through hell with any one else. Now go talk to mom smile for me."  He says helping me up to my feet and the screaming crowd starts to fill my ears again.
I'm still a crying mess from being so over flowed with joy when I see Celine looking at me the happiest I've ever seen her. She held her arms out to me and I just collapsed in them crying.
"Did you know about this?!" I asked through my constant tears.
"Maybe, just a little." She said laughing.
That's why Rene was here today! It makes sense now he never comes out when we do meet ups with fans.
"Celine, are you okay with this? I don't want to intrude on your life like that if your not okay with it."
"Emily, what are you talking about? It's very obvious that you love him so deeply I've never seen you so happy about something. I wouldn't let him marry just anyone but I love you and he loves you. Believe me you're all he talks about." She says slightly laughing at her last comment.
"I love your son so very much and I love you and dad so much." I say softly still clinging onto her.
"I love you too sweetheart. Rene is right over there you can go talk to him if you would like."
I finally got the strength to pull it together a little bit and walk over to him. I didn't say anything but just grab onto him and hug him tightly.
"Are you alright? You seem upset?" RC said attempting to sound like he was joking as he came up behind me.
"RC how could I be upset I'm just so happy I don't even know what to do or say anymore! Ugh I need to stop crying though like honestly my makeup probably looks trashed now." I said trying to laugh it off.
He pulled me closer to him and I squeezed him tightly in my arms. I wanted this moment to last forever.

A/N Sorry it's taken a few days to write this it took me awhile to start it off since I suck at fillers😂 But I hope you liked this part of it and please excuse my mistakes since this was a longer chapter so it took longer to proof read and edit. Thank you so much for sticking with me through this story even with my bad habit of not updating as often as I should. I do apologize for the way this was written I had some really good ideas that I let slip my mind but I came up with this because I wanted to get back into it and I didn't want to leave you hanging for so long. Again, thank you for reading💚💚💚💚

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