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So through the years as you can probably have guessed I have been bullyed, kids are meen when I was in 3rd through 5th grade I hated my self I cryed myself to sleep every night praying asking God why me, kids told my best friend who was a new kid "don't hang out with k******n she has diabetes." Now in middle school I hated myself for not only my diabetes but a million other things. So much to the point that I have wanted to kill my self. Here is a thing I typed a couple months ago, I want to die so bad, I'm just so afraid to kill myself it's like know one understands how much I hate myself, or how badly I hate my little brother I hate him so much I want to kill him, I would if I would not go to jail, I love my dad but he just doesn't understand how bad it makes me feel when I am always the one getting in trouble when K***n is the one punching me in the face for no reason and my friends see that but they don't understand that this is happening everyday multiple times, and if that wasn't bad enough I am getting bullyed for trying to save my own life, and I'm ugly all of my friends say I'm not but I know there lieing they have to there my friends and if I'm pretty then why don't I have a boyfriend yes I have had boyfriends in the past but you know why those relationships ended because they wanted a prettier girl than me, and on top of that I'm getting behind in school I try to do all the bonus and homework I can but I eather don't have time or I can't do it at home because it's on computer and my mom won't let anyone use the computer until she gets all of the photos off of it and the other computer won't work right so now I'm going to end up failing my classes and then not getting to do one of the few things I love in life band I just hate life I'm done. Sence then I have in proved but I still get like that sometimes.

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