Speed Demon [Modern Bad Era]

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A/N: This imagine has some Dangerous Games vibe in it :) Hope you enjoy. - Alex xoxo

As I was getting ready for my girl's night out with my two closest friends, my phone went off, interfering against the soft music that was playing a slow jazz version of 'Easy' by The Commodores. I picked up my phone and answered the call, assuming that it was Lissa and Gail calling.

"Hey Lissa and Gail, I'm almost ready and I'll come right over soon." I answered in a rush with the phone resting between my shoulder and my cheek while I was grabbing a black leather jacket from the hanger that probably once belonged to an actual bikie member. I could smell the petrol that remained on the leather from the past, but I spritzed Chanel no. 5 perfume on top anyway to disguise the smell for a couple of hours.

On the other side of the phone line however, a high pitched chuckle was heard as I knew immediately who was on the other end of the line. "You're really cute when you are in a hurry. What's going on tonight?"

"Michael," I relaxed my shoulders and held my phone to my ear with a sigh, "my friends and I are just going out, have a girl's night."

"Friends? A girl's night?" Michael questioned me with a scoff, and I knew from his tone that he probably had one of his perfectly arched eyebrows cocked upwards in disbelief.

"What's wrong with a little bit of outing with your friends, Michael?" I challenged him.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N," he said my name continuously followed by some clicking noises of the tongue, "you don't have any friends. Except for me, of course."

"Yeah, I do." I insisted, "I just haven't talked about them as much with you."

Michael groaned loudly as I heard his body shift around on the other end. He was probably on his bed while he was making this call. "Ditch them please. Come over to my place."

"Michael, you know damn well that my mom doesn't like it when we hang out. You're a bad influence to her, apparently." I reminded Michael before I could hear the honking of Gail's car from outside. "Besides, we aren't dating and we should keep it that way, but anyway, I have to go now, my ride's here."

"Fine, if you say so. But hit me up if you wanna hang. I, uh, really like—"

"Y/N, what are you doing? Your friends are waiting downstairs." Mom interrupted my phone conversation with Michael by barging in my room without me knowing. I hit the end call button abruptly without saying goodbye to Michael, but that's okay, I hope he understands.

"I know, I was taking care of some things before I get to go." I replied with my tone sounding a bit suspicious to her. "I will see you later tonight Mom," I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving my room.

"Have fun tonight sweetie, and be safe!" She called out over her shoulder.

I soon approached Gail's Volvo car that looked like the latest model, I mean, it's not a surprise if it was the latest model, Gail gets everything she wants. All she had to do was ask, same goes with Lissa.

"Hey guys," I greeted them a bit shyly today for some reason. They said "hi" back, but it seemed like they were too busy on their phones to care. I just entered the car through the back and put my seatbelt on straight away. They then got off their phones and Gail started the car before we could go on our way to our date.

"I'm so excited for tonight's double movie date Lis, how 'bout you Y/N?" Gail asked me with her gum smacked loudly on the driver's seat.

"Excuse me?" I asked with my head leaning forward and also in mild confusion. The both of them never mentioned anything about bringing dates.

"Didn't we tell you to bring one? I thought that trashy boy you hang out with all the time's coming with you." Lissa asked me in a way that sounded so innocent, when in fact she was doing it for the sarcasm part of her crazy personality.

"He doesn't want to go out tonight." I replied slowly and truthfully with my eyes flicking between Lissa and Gail. They both simultaneously did a fake laugh that went on for a tremendous amount of time before they could move on. "That's too bad isn't it? But I wouldn't be surprised anyway, he's a weirdo." Lissa began.

"Yeah, he's definitely wacko. Like why would someone be so into things from the olden days? Like look at him, he dresses up like my dad from his younger days."

"Mhmm, I so agree. And he does not look human either. It's not normal!"

I kept quiet throughout their never-ending conversation about Michael, and I don't know why. I could've defended him for his sake, but I didn't do anything about it.

The car then slowed down to a stop, but we weren't in front of the movie house yet.

"We aren't going to take long now honey, we are just gonna pick up the guys, and we will be on our way." Gail informed me before I could ask myself. I looked at the clock, and it said 6:58 pm. The movie starts at 7:10 pm.

"But we will be late for the movie. We still need to travel a bit." I said in a panic.

"Don't worry Y/N, Gail and I won't take forever. We're just gonna grab the boys and we'll go right?" Lissa told me reassuringly before they all left altogether.

The funny thing was, Gail has left the car keys in the ignition with the car still running. I crawled over to the front driver seat to turn off the engine to save pollution and battery.

It had been more than five minutes, just waiting in the car for the girls to come back with their dates, but they never came.

I never understand them. Here they were, calling my friend weird and unusual, but their boyfriends weren't any better. In fact, Michael has set the bar so high up, he's better than those two boys combined. So much better. I checked my phone for the time, and the movie will surely start soon.

I should've gone to Michael instead of hanging out with these fakes. I didn't know why I stayed friends with them in the first place.

And so I did the only thing that I knew what was right for me. I turned on the engine and hit the gas pedal so hard, it has caused the tyres to make screeching noises outside. As I was leaving the street at top speed, I looked at the rear view mirror and saw my two "friends" looking pissed. I laughed by myself so hard at their priceless faces as I sped along the streets like a maniac.

Just as I was about to tell myself of the consequences that I will be getting for driving this fast on the streets, police sirens were soon heard from behind.

A/N: Take more naps kids, cuz dreams like these are the best things in the world!

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Till next time my lovelies.

- Alex xoxo

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