[16] Hyung is eager

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Warning: you all know what it is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"Have a date with me, Yoongi."

"I-I don't even like you, this is not going to work out." Yoongi mumble under his breath as lies gritted through his teeth. He knows it's an oppurtunity- grab them while you can right? But he was afraid, he didn't know what to do.

Yoongi's not the person to open himself up to people, especially if it talks about his feelings.

Not to mention, he was confused too. When did Jimin started liking him? Was this a joke? Yoongi waits for Jimin to say 'just kidding' but it never came.

Everything's just too sudden.

"That's why I want you to date me, no harm can be done if we try, right?"

Yoongi can't believe that someone as beautiful as a god will ask him for a date, and it was even the guy whom the mint haired likes for a long time. He thought it only happens to movies and dramas he watched.

"Damn, author-nim. Aren't you going too fast in your story? Let me breathe here." Yoongi thought, almost choking on his own spit as he eyed Jimin.

He didn't move an inch, and so was Jimin. Yoongi damp his chapped lips, "I don't- I don't know."

Jimin nod and smile at him, "hey, it's okay. I don't want to force you."

Jimin felt a pang of pain in his chest, now he's about to lose Yoongi because of what he did without even thinking. He feels stupid for doing it, it hurts to hear such rejection.

He can't blame Yoongi. It was his fault for blurting without being aware on Yoongi's feelings.

The silence came back, and seems that will never leave as long as someone will not end the conversation.

"Should we go inside now?" Jimin force a laugh, gesturing his thumb on the door as he turns around.
The pain was still there, rejection is something that Jimin is used to already- but he never thought he will feel as shitty as this.

He thought of it for a moment, he never saw any sign of happiness when he said it. Much like- Yoongi's more uncomfortable by it. People make mistakes, and he mistook those stares the way Yoongi look at him-

"I want to date you." Yoongi said in a whisper, ears and cheeks starts to turn into beets of red.

He don't want to let Jimin go just like that although part of him still feel uncertainty about it, it was Yoongi's chance. He muster his courage up just to say that embarrassing reply.

"Wh-what?" Jimin gulp the lump in his throat, not sure if he heard it right.

These characters need to clean their ears thoroughly.

"Please don't make me say it again." He mumbles in reply, hiding his knuckles on the sleeves.

"Fuck, I was so scared you will never talk to me after this." Jimin whispers deep and low, letting his satoori to be voiced out as he pulls Yoongi into a tight hug. Relief flushes his nervousness away, Yoongi just said yes from the date.

Yoongi caught the sweet smell of Jimin's perfume which is somehow have the same smell to a vanilla, snaking his arms around him until it was on his Mochi's back, unintentionally tracing lines and circles around it, "j-just so you know, I-I'm not doing this out of pity. I want- I want to date you."

Jimin laughs, nuzzling his nose against Yoongi's neck, "Yeah, I know. What about Saturday next week?"

Yoongi nod, humming in reply, "sounds good."

A blush coats in Jimin's cheeks, hiding his face in Yoongi's neck, "a-are you sure? You don't need to do this."

"I'm sure." Yoongi said firmly, patting Jimin's back.

Jimin backs away, grinning as he intertwines his fingers against Yoongi's cold hands, opening the door to go back and bid their farewell because it was already three o'clock in the morning and they still have school to attend to later.

"Wah, you really took your time talking." Taehyung shape his mouth in 'o', he almost thought they already went home.

"Sorry about that, we're dating now."

Yoongi gasp, placing his hands to cover Jimin's mouth, his cheeks blushing furiously, "J-Jimin!"

"Wah, hyung, you're incredible, jinjja. Isn't it kinda embarrassing to ask Yoongi for a date in a hospital?" Taehyung asks.

Jimin shakes his head a no, gently holding Yoongi's hand that was covering his mouth as he removes it, "Nah, not really. I want to ask him already."

"Hyung is so eager." Taehyung asks.

"Yah, stop now. Th-these things you're talking about." Yoongi stutters, squeezing Jimin's hand as a threat to stop the mochi from talking.

His Mochi.

"He's embarrassed, hyung."

Jimin lets out a chuckle. After a few minutes, Jimin and Yoongi said their goodbye's, Yoongi hugging Taehyung tightly as he promised to visit him later after the class dismissal.

Yoongi almost hiss in reply as he heard Taehyung saying, "You caught a big damn fish, Yoongi-hyung!"

Yoongi knows that.

Jimin drives Yoongi back to his apartment, Yoongi shyly opening the door, waving his goodbye as Jimin smiled sweetly as a reply.

"See you later, Yoongi. Sleep well."

"Y-yeah, you too. Sleep well, Mochi."

Yoongi runs back quickly to his apartment when he heard the car engine roar and soon fades. Jumping straight to his bed, as he fish through his pocket to find his phone, calling Lisa's phone number, forgetting that it was only 4 o'clock in the morning.

He knew he won't be able to sleep.

"Y-Yoongi-ah? Something happened?"

Yoongi was greeted with a groggy voice, it sounded deep unlike how she really talk normally. He was surprised to hear her sound almost like a damn guy.

"Lisa! Fuck- you need to help me. Jimin asked me for a date, please I don't know what to do."

"Come again? He asked you?"

Yoongi heard a gasp before a silent squeal from the other side, "Fuck, wait. Let me just- ugh! Jennie- stop. Sorry, I will call you later again. Oh my g- Yoongi,I will help you okay? You need to tell me everything- fuck, wait Jennie-"

Yoongi frown when the line goes dead, sighing as he roll over to face the ceiling. A blush creeps into his cheek, now how the fuck is he going to face Jimin now?

"Fuck you, author-nim." Yoongi curse, groaning as he bang his head to his pillow.


There's no warning, I was kidding ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

just lots of fourth wall ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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