She's Into Drummers

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Chapter 4:

Lauren’s POV:

“@AustinMahone: @camilacabello97 I think you are adorable, (and really hot)”

“@camilacabello97: @AustinMahone thank you :) i guess”


That was… Okay.

I mean, she’s… Well, we are not dating, so no big deal.

Fuck it. I have to admit that I’m completely jealous, and the fact that she may like him it’s horrible and I hate it.

What makes it worse it’s the media. They love the idea of them together.

This “camaustin” thing actually makes me feel awful, and I haven’t even met her yet.

Maybe I should ask her. I mean… We are friends, right? Friends always talk about this kind of stuff.

Yes, I’ll ask her.

So now that I’m finally alone in the Tour Bus, I decided to call Camila, I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up the phone;

“Hello, Laur? Everything okay?” God, I’m in love with her voice, I’d kill to have her in my arms right now. And she is worried, how cute.

“Yeah, I just wanted to hear your voice, I like it.” I say, biting down in my bottom lip, battling with my own mind; ‘Should I ask her now? Should I start a conversation?’ Oh lord. Why is it so damn hard?!

“Why thank you. I like your voice too.” It’s amazing how I can literally hear her smile.

“Soo, how’s everything?” I ask, sighing.

“I should ask you the same question, you sound kind of sad. Are you okay? You know you can talk to me.” She is amazing, and it makes me so happy that she cares about me. I wish I could speak to her in person, I wish I could talk to her under the moonlight, sharing silly thoughts about everything and nothing.

“Yeah, I’m okay. I just wanted to ask you something,” Okay, here I go.

“Go ahead, then.”

“Doyoulikeaustin?” I said it so fast and I’m pretty sure she didn’t understand, but hey, at least I asked.

“Wait wait. Could you repeat that? You said it too fast!” She says, chuckling.

I sigh and take a deep breath, “Do you like Austin?”

There’s a silence in the line and then I hear her… Wait… Laughing? What the fuck!?

“Oh my god. Lauren Jauregui, are you jealous?” Oh shit, she noticed.

“Yes! I mean, no! I just wanted to ask, since we are, you know, friends. And weeeell… I don’t know, agh!” At this point, my face was all red and I was completely embarrassed.

“Oh god, Laureeen. Awww you are so jealous!” No no no no!

“No I’m not. Do you like him yes or no?!” I ask her again. I just want to know the answer.

“Lauren, he’s just my friend. You have nothing to worry about, and I’m pretty sure that you know that I’m completely not into boys.” Oh. I can’t believe I forgot about that.

“But, I don’t know, since, you know, he’s not ugly and he has a nice body and his stupid voice that is actually not that bad and ugh-” I know that at this point I’m just rambling. But I can’t help it, I’m jealous.

“Lauren, lauren. Lauren! Stop. I don’t like him, babe. Don’t worry.”  I let out a breath and then there was a tick silence, but before I could break it, she starts talking;

“… I like you.” I hear her barely say, she just lets it out in a whisper. And I don’t know what to say next, so I just said whatever it was on my mind at the moment.

“Nice.” I say, smiling.

“Nice? Lauren, please tell me you’re not mad.” I laugh quietly, imagining her worried expression.

“Yeah, it’s nice because I like you too.” I say, nonchalantly. 

“Wait, what?!”

“Yeah.” I say.

Then there goes the silence again, but then like 20 seconds later, we both burst out laughing.

I don’t know if this is a nervous laughter, but we both are laughing as hard as we can.

“And now what?” Camila says, in-between laughs.

“Well, now I wait for this tour to end to finally see you and probably kiss you.” I say, truthfully.

“Nice idea.” There is it. I can feel her smiling again.

“So Camz, I gotta go.” I say, waiting for her to say goodbye.

“Okay, bye Lo.”And then when she is about to cut the call I interrupt her;

“Hey Camz!”


“I like you.” I say, smiling.

“I like you too, idiot.” And then she cuts the call, not saying anything else.

When she cuts the call, I literally jump out of the couch and start dancing all over the Tour Bus. And then when I look back; Harry, Liam and Brad are there, with their phones in their hands. Obviously recording me.“This is gonna be so popular!” Says Liam, uploading the video to instagram with the caption “so this is what lauren does when shes alone… #weirdo”

“GUYS HIII!” I say, happy. Nothing can ruin my night.

“Ooookaaayy, so what happened? Did you get laid or something? Why were you dancing alone and why are you so happy. Spill!” Harry says.

“No…nothing happened. Just that CAMILA CABELLO FUCKING LIKES ME BACK!” I say.

“Oh my god, it’s about fucking time!” Bradley says, obviously happy.

“Yeah yeah. We better go to sleep. We have a show tomorrow.” I say, getting in my bunk.

“Goodnight guys. I love you.” I say.

“Goodnight, Lauren.” I hear them say.

Best day ever, man.

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