The jock attack

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Its been three days since I joined the Heathers. Today's Thursday and the heathers are really excited to head out on Friday. Apparently Ram's holding a party but I got Mac to make them skip. I'm still adjusting to being a center of attention at school. On the other hand Chandler is still really thin and a bitch.

I still can't see why I'm so attracted to her. I mean everyone is but still I don't get it. All I know is that every time I see her I choke on my words and I end up looking like a god damn tomato. I think she catching on. She'll make eye contact with me and give sensual looks. I don't know if this is teasing, probably is, or she likes me.

I've also realized I've never seen Chandler eat beside a small bag of corn nuts. She didn't even eat the whole thing! Anyways in the past three days I've been with Heather jumping to their beck and call. Of course though each one's different. Mac's really nice and usually ask for an excuse or an escape from the jocks. Duke is a bitch she asked if I can do prescriptions for nausea meds also she asked me to help her vomit one day. That was so fun.

Then there's chandler I'm basically her retriever and messenger. It's odd though she'll demand things both when it's just her she's really nice about it. "Ronnie are you listening?" Chandler hissed. "Sorry I was lost in thought." I replied. Even though I've only known them for like a week I've gotten comfortable around them. "Jesus Veronica keep your panties on." Duke laughed.

I felt myself flush deep red. "S-shut up Heather!" I yelled. Duke just snorted and Mac giggled. I looked at Chandler for help. She was stone face glaring at the two,(Duke and mac sit across from them) but I think there was a little blush on her face it's hard to tell with the makeup. "SHUT UP HEATHER!" She yelled over their laughter. The two girls shut up and apologized.

Our moment of peace was ruined by a heavy thud of hands on the table. I jumped surprised as the heathers didn't even flinch. "Hi ram!" Mac squeaked. "Hello ladies I over heard you weren't coming to my party tomorrow night." He said rapping his arm around Chandler. Disgust flashed in her eyes when she glanced at me. "Sorry Ram we can't make. I can make it up to you.~" she purred.

I wanted to throw up how could she do this? Using her body as payment?! Come on chandler! I was feed up. "Hey there buddy why don't you remove your hands from Chandler and let them off the hook." Spoke a tall guy dressed in a black trench coat. It sounded more like an order than a suggestion. Ram spun around.

"Huh I thought the lunchroom had a rule about no fags being aloud in." Ram smirked. "Funny that they have an open door to assholes though." Mr no name said. Ram got really mad and swung. The kid ducked and jabbed Ram in the stomach. Ram bent over in pain and was kneed in the face. "AGH!" Ram said as he pinched his bleeding nose.

Kurt tried to grab him from behind, but the mystery kid grabbed his arm and moved to the side throwing him to the ground. The two jocks ran off. The trench coat kid brushed off his coat and turned to great us. "Greetings an," "What the fuck?!" Duke semi shouted. He cleared his throat. "Greetings and salutations my names Jason, JD for short." He said with a little bow.

Chandler stared at him with a stone cold look. "What do you want?" She demanded. "Well I thought a thank you was in order but really I want her." JD said pointing at me. I audibly gulped as the Heathers looked at me. "Fat chance Jesse James." Chandler said venom dripping off her words. "Not that way I'm not a scum bag. I wanted to talk to her." JD explained. The Heather exchange glances and motioned for him to pull up a chair.

He sat awkwardly at the end of the table next to Chandler and Duke.  "So I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to 711 to hang." He said watching the heathers. "Ummm no thanks? I'm r-really sorry I just can't." I tried to say as nice as possible. "Alright. I just have to try later." With that JD got up and left. "That was so weird." Mac said. The girls agreed, for part of lunch they watched them. Ram and Kurt came back and stormed up to him.

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