~Oh Fucking God~

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Luke groaned in annoyance as he pulled on his hoodie more, "Oh fucking god why is this shit happening to me right now?", now he understood why his parents took his game, its making him feel crazy, his mind wavered as he laid there, he got up a minute later and flopped onto his couch, a small groan of satisfaction from the position he found comfortable, Luke yawned, tired from being up at what is it now, his eyes darted to the clock, the numbers 1:15 blaring at him.

Luke looked at the screen, the dog sat there waiting for him to start up again, he huffed and turned around so his back faced the screen, 'A little nap won't do no harm.', he thought, his eyes getting heavier as he listened to the ungodly music before he finally fell asleep with everything still on, but he did do something really quick before he fell asleep, he turned off the music that was getting more and more annoying as time passed by.

A small groan escaped the man's lips, he opened up his eyes, the small sound of something grabbed his hazel eyes to look, he saw Luke asleep, a small sigh left him, his currently digital body moved over to the sleeping man, he sat on the couch with a small smile on his lips, he will protect him at all costs, even if he can't escape the hell hole he is in, hearing something he gets up, he breathing uneven as he saw a figure forming on the wall of the room, the digital man moved behind the small couch.

Soon the figure was soon recognizable and let out a small groan, the red figure looked around before shaking his head and looking at both his own body and then the dull green man, "Who are you?", Luke asked, "Wait..Ryan..?". the figure slide down behind the couch, a shocked expression on his features as he did the action, Luke walked along his wall before being able to see the man again, he was curled up a little, but he could see Ryan was looking at him, "Wake yourself up before he comes..", Ryan's voice quivered and glitched, Luke gave a small nod before throwing a light box.

Luke sat up, looking behind the couch and just barely missing Ryan, he gave a small wave before vanishing, Luke grew upset before his gun started to float off the ground making Luke gasp, he squinted to just barely see the outline of his digital friend, the bearded man got up before grabbing the gun, a shock at his hands shot through him, his hair seemed to stick straight up, the shocking feeling making him close his eyes, this didn't even help with what he saw after he reopened his eyes.


Hello hello! I see that you're down here, I need to see what I could improve on, even if something small like commas(which I am working to do less of), I would like to see what you would want see me improve on in my writing.

Anyway NC out

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