Sometimes Change is Good

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One Year Ago

Tina Rafter's Party

11:43 p.m.

Clyde wipes his lips and flushes the toilet. He steps up to the mirror examining himself in the mirror. His blue eyes are red-rimmed and bloodshot, but this is expected since he's been non-stop smoking and drinking since the party started. Some of his long black hair sticks to his sweaty face. Somebody bangs on the bathroom door from the outside telling him to get out. Quickly, he washes his hands and cups handfuls of water to his mouth to rinse any throw up remains. He slips out of the bathroom as a guy stumbles in after him slamming the door shut. There are about three ther guys waiting for the restroom, but he pays no mind to them.

He makes his way into the kitchen where teens are consuming alcohol and other unknown substances like it's candy. Mitch stands off to the side of the built in mini-bar taking shots, while chatting up some girls. Clyde walks towards him in a dizzy gaze. Mitch slams his shot down and a proud lazy grin spreads across his face.

"Clyde, come take some shots with me or did you want to steal one of my lady friends?"

"No and no, I think I'll call it quits on the alcohol for tonight, but have you seen Porter?"

"Not for awhile"

"Well im going to grab another beer."

"Didn't you just say you were calling it quits?"

"Yeah well, I changed my mind." With that Clyde walks into the kitchen and grabs another beer from the fridge. Slowly he sips it having long since been immune to the taste. Black Eyed Peas blares from the living room, and he spots a pretty brunette eyeing him.

   They dance together for a good thirty minutes and soon find themselves kissing. He pulls away first and leans his mouth towards her ear so she can hear him.

  "What's your name?"

"Lisa" she replies eagerly.

"Well Lisa, I'm Clyde".

The song turns more slow and they slow dance, swaying with each other for what seemed like forever. All of a sudden his phone starts playing "Buried Alive" by Avenged Sevenfold. Slowly, he untangles himself from Lisa and pulls his phone out of his pocket glancing at the caller ID: Drake calling. He taps the answer button.


"Clyde! You have t-t-t-to c-come!" Drake cries into the phone. All of a sudden Clyde is sober, straightening his back.

"What? Drake what's wrong? Did you fall? Are you okay? Did you call mom and dad?"

"No, b-but mom a-a-and d-dad, they, Clyde I-I'm at th-the hospital!" Drake sobbed hysterically into the phone.

"What? Hospital? Drake what's going on? How did you even get there?"

"J-Just come to the h-hospital, I'll be w-waiting for you a-at the main entrance." The line went dead.

Clyde stood frozen in fear and confusion, someone grabbed his arm gently. "Clyde, what's wrong?" Lisa's voice broke him from his trance. He turned and stared past her to the entrance of the house.

"That was my brother, I have to go." He didn't wait for her reply he just walked away, out of Tina's party, out of the house full of drunken and wild teenagers.

        Little did he know that it was the last party he would ever attend. That it was the last time he would ever consume alcohol or basically do anything reckless ever again. Not if he could help it.

Little did he know.

So guys!!! What you think????? I want ratings and comments. Please share with me what you think and I will try to answer any questions that you have!!! XOXO, Lizzy

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