Present Day - The New Girl

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Penelope fidgeted nervously before entering the classroom. She wasn't sure how the other students would react to her, but she was hoping they would either accept her or ignore her. Only heaven knew what Halerie, her older sister, would do if they bullied her. Adjusting the bag on her shoulder, she brushed her cherry-red bangs to the side with her fingers and knocked on the door. A middle-aged man opened the door and looked at her in confusion and then realization.

"Are you Miss Scott?" He smiled and Penelope tool notice to the smile lines around his eyes, she nodded and returned the smile.

"Come in, I'm Mr. Varner, your new English teacher." She stepped inside the classsroom looking down, not wanting to see the kids, what she assumed would be, judgemental eyes.

"Why don't you introduce yourself to the class? Class this is our new student and I hope you all will make her feel welcome."

Slowly she looked up at her fellow classmates. Some stared at her with curiousity and others, those being the 'popular' kids, stared at her as if they were disgusted by her. She averted her gaze from those onlookers, a horrible feeling settling in the pit of her stomach.

"I'm Penelope Scott, I came here from Belton, and I love music and reading." Penelope's voice was slightly shaky as she became all too interested in the intricate designs on the floor.

"Thanks for sharing, now you may have a seat..." Mr. Varner's eyes scan the room for an empty seat. "Ah, next to Mr. Reeves, could you raise your hand so Penelope can see you?"

At the very back of the classroom a hand slowly went up. A boy with black sunglasses on, wild but cool black hair, and sharp and handsome facial features, raises a pale hand. He's decked out in all black: Black hoodie, black jeans, and black boots. She heads toward him and tries to ignore the 'quiet' comments people make towards her, but fails to block out all of them.

"Look at the new girl"

"What a freak, now I wish I was Drake"

"Yeah, I wonder what he'd do if he could see this."

Penelope didn't want to know who Drake was, and she sure didn't care what he thought about her either. She reaches the desk Mr. Reeves was sitting at and pulls out the chair next to his and sits down, putting her bag on the floor beneath her chair.

"Hi." she says to him, he stiffens and clenches his jaw, which doesn't go unnoticed by Penelope. He doesn't answer her.

Mr. Varner starts talking to the class again, but she tunes him out wondering why the guy next to her has an attitude problem. Twenty minutes later, he speaks to her.

"Hi." he says it robotically, like he's in pain or something. She turns to look at him, to see if she was imagining things, but she wasn't. This close he was ten times more handsome from far away. She began to just outright stare at him. Every little detail, from his dark perfectly shaped eyebrows to his strong nose, and slightly pink lips, she came to the conclusion that she really liked what she saw.

"Stop staring at me." he whispers agitated. This makes Penelope sit up straight and stare at the teacher with such an intensity she could burn a hole through him.

"I'm sorry, it's just, you're, never mind." she blushes and looks down at her black combaat boots, that are similar to his black boots.

"You're Penelope?" he shifts in his seat, leaning back in his chair.

"Y-yes. Um, what's your name?"

"Drake." she pauses at this, thinking about the classmates earlier remarks.

"If you don't mind me asking, why do you wear-" he cuts her off.

"Don't. We're done talking." His voice was like ice, hard and cold, it sent an unpleasent shiver down her spine.

"but you didn't even let me finish wh-" he interrupted again.

"I know what you were going to ask, and I said we're done. So drop it." His voice held such finality that she couldn't help but feel like a child getting in trouble for not listening.

Once again, she stared forward at the teacher, this time feeling frustratred and slightly angry at him for being rude to her.

Hey guys!!! Sencond Chapter posted! I love Drake, and if you don't like him yet, i promise you you will! I know there might be a lil confusion but this is a year after the first chapter and Drake is Clyde's little brother, but that's all I'm saying!  I can't wait for yall to get to know Clyde better, and I introduce other characters xD Love ya, Lizzy <3

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