Interesting Lunch

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Through out the day, I've manged to catch a lot of people's attention. Much to my dismay. Finally lunch was here and I couldn't wait to see my sister. I walked in the cafeteria and looked around for an empty spot and I saw one in the corner. Sitting down at the table, I took my phone out and texted Halerie to meet me there.

"You're sitting at my table." A tall figure loomed over me and I looked up to see Drake.

"Um, I wasn't aware of that." I quickly glanced past him looking for my sister.

"Well, you are." He said snobbily. I finally really looked at him. He wasn't much different from this morning accept his hair looked more ruffled and oh so fun to play with.

"Ok. What do you want me to do about that? This is public property." I responded challengingly.

"Look, I know you're new here, but you need to know that this is my table. This is where I sit and you're not going to sit here." He said firmly gripping the table, making his hands and knuckles look white.

"Um, ok no. Thanks for telling me that but I got here first and I'm not moving. I've had a long day and I don't need you to add to it." I replied exhaling frustrated. "And I feel comfortable here, I don't want to move." I added.

"You know what-" He went to say but then someone else interrupted him.

"Is there a problem here? Drake are you ok?" another guy that looked very similar to Drake said, he was almost as handsome.

Drake's cheeks flushed a bit, whether from anger or embarrassment I coundn't tell. "No, I'm fine. I was just telling the new girl here that she cannot sit here, because this is where we sit." He said turning his head to the othere guy's direction. The other guy nodded then looked at me with interest.

"I'm sorry for my brother's rudeness, he's not use to socializing." He smiled at me big "I'm Clyde and I understand what it's like to be new." another smile "You can sit with us if you like, don't mind him."

Drake hit him on the arm. "Seriously! She can't sit with us!" Drake pulled on his hair in annoyance and then gruffly sat down next to me while keeping a good distance between us.

"Ignore him." Clyde smiled friendly. "You wouldn't be Halerie's sister by any chance would you?"

"How did you know that?" I questioned surprised.

"I met her earlier, we have a class together and she wouldn't stop worrying about you." he answered sympathetically. "She was nervous how people would react to your inconspicuous appearence." he gave me once over slowly with a look of amusement. "Which might I add, you're mighty colorful."

I blushed slightly "Um, thank you?"

He bellow a laugh "Haha, it was a compliment."

All of sudden Halerie appeared behind him with our food.

"Hey I see you met Clyde. Charming, isn't he? Chick-fil-a ok?" She held up the bag.


"Oh is this your brother, Drake? Hi, I'm Halerie." She stuck out her hand. He didn't take it, he didn't even look up, he just grunted. Halerie pulled her hand back. "Ok, then."

"I'm sorry about my brother, he's not use to interacting with people, let alone the girl species." Clyde laughed and I'm pretty sure Drake just kicked him under the table. Clyde grimaced but sat down along with Halerie doing the same.

Halerie and Clyde talked so much through out lunch, my ears were surely going to fall off from listening. At one point I got lost in the glorious waves of Drake's hair and I came back to reality when Drake turned towards me and smirked. My cheeks flushed scarlet and I quickly looked away.

"So Drake?" I attempted to make conversation.

He raised one of his perfect eyebrows "Yes?"

"Well , um, nice shades?" 

A small smile appeared on his lips and it made him look even more delectable. "Really? Why not ask me what you really want to know?"

"Ok, why do you wear them?" I asked slowly afraid of how he would react. Halerie and Clyde got quiet as they heard my question.

"Wear what? I'm wearing a lot of things. I wear my hoodie to hide my creamy skin" insert smirk here " I wear  black to bring out my eyes and to keep people away. And I wear pants because well " smirk " imagine the uproar if I didn't. I wear my boots because they make me look taller than I already am and I like them. Lets see, what else am I wearing? Ah. yes sunglasses. I wear my glasses to shield my eyes from unwanted gazes and it keeps me from getting major headaches." He finishes full on looking at me, lleaning slightly towards me.

"Oh." was all I could say.

Clyde seemed surprised with his brother and Halerie smiled when she noticed the way I was looking at Drake so I glared at her and she burst out laughing causing Drake and Clyde to look at her weird.

I wish I had more time to write, but I don't right now. But I'm really loving Drake :) So please vot, rate, or comment if you want another chapter!!! XOXO Marmar

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