Chapter two- Did that bitch just slap me?

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You were all the things I thought I knew

And I thought we could be

It's nice to know that you were there

Thanks for acting like you cared

And making me feel like I was the only one

It's nice to know we had it all

Thanks for watching as I fall

And letting me know we were done

You were everything, everything that I wanted

We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it

And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away

All this time you were pretending

So much for my happy ending

Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

My Happy Ending blast through the speakers as I lay on my bed in self pity. All alone is this stupid big house. Well at least I have my gummy bears right?


Don't get me wrong I love my little colorful bears but I feel horrible.

Have you ever have your heart toyed with? If so you know how awful I felt at the moment but if you didn't, your so fucking lucky.

Why am I talking to myself…

Sighing I turn over to my side, a white picture frame coming into my sight.

A couple in their forties were staring lovingly at a six year old girl. Her eyes were beaming with happiness as she leap into the air trying to catch a butterfly as it innocently flew by. You could see the father laughing at his daughter , his bright brown eyes twinkling with laughter as he hugged his wife from behind. Though the man had blond locks, his gorgeous wife had a doll like face with brown curl hair just like her child.

Even though I'm nineteen I really miss my parents. Groaning I rudely shoved some gummy bears into my mouth.

When did things turn from THAT to THIS? Oh I can't answer that but I can tell what the cause is:



And a case I call heartbreak.

Why do I even bother with love if all it does is cause me pain?

''Well hello there!'' a cheery voice greeted. Frowning I look up slightly as Krystal face came into view. A red dress hung around her slim figure as she skip into my room grinning.

My frown deepen as she sat on my bed causing it to bounce slightly. When did she get back?

Again don't get me wrong I love my bestfriend even more than my gummy bears but I'm so not in the mode for her bubbly personality.

''Well aren't you Miss Grumpy.'' she noted, her smile dimming slightly. Rolling my eyes at her I looked back over to my bag of candy.

''Nooo.'' I moan in horror. It's gone, where did my bears go?

''Oh please, you can't expect the bag would last forever. For crying out loud you've been in here all morning!'' I blink at her anger then pout at the empty bag.


''And all this sad music! It's like someone freaking die!'' she continue cutting me off. I felt my eyes get wet, well my heart did die. Or at least it felt so… '' Ugh and look at this room! You know what, we're going out.'' she declare suddenly, my eyes widen.

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