17:《We don't talk anymore》

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•Randy's Hotel Room•



Randy:It's him isn't it?

Nikki:No!I'm just tired.


He says grabbing his jacket and car keys.

Nikki:Where are you going?

Randy:You need some time.I knew you couldn't get over him.

Nikki:But Randy-

Randy:I'll be back later,think about all this.

He says and leaves.

I lay flay on my back on the bed.

And I play We Don't Talk Anymore by Charlie Puth & Selena Gomez.

Seth P.O.V



Alexa:It's her isn't it?


Alexa: Don't Lexi me!You can't tell me you're not thinking about her!Tell me!

Seth:Okay I am but-

Alexa:Gosh!You need time to think about what you want!I'm not just some toy!If you want me you want me!If you want her then just go back!

She walked out of the door and left me alone.

I pulled out my phone and started listening to We Don't Talk Anymore By Charlie Puth & Selena Gomez.

3rd Person P.O.V

They both sat in there rooms alone finally some time for them to think.

We Don't Talk Anymore playing in both rooms.

They were listening deeply to the music.

The lyrics more especially.

We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore like we used to do

Now I just heard you found the one you been looking
You've been looking,I wish I would I known that wasn't me.
Cause even after all this time I still wonder how'd you move on just the way you did so easily

Don't wanna know what kind of dress you're wearing tonight
If he's holding onto you so tight.

The way I did before.

I overdosed,should of known your love was a game.
Now I can't get you outta my brain.
Oh it's such a same that

We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore like we used to do.

We don't love anymore
What was all of it for?
We don't talk anymore like we used to do.

I just hope you're lying next to somebody who knows how to love you like me.
There must be a good reason that you're good.

Every now and then I think you might want me to come show up at your door.

But I'm just too afraid that I'll be wrong.

Don't wanna know if you're looking into her eyes.
If you're holding onto her so tight
I way I did before.

I overdosed should of known your love was a game
Now I can't get you outta my brain
Oh it's such a shame that

We don't talk anymore.

Nikki P.O.V

Everything is so unclear.

My mind is just a mess.

I love Seth!I do!

But my fear is he replaced me with Alexa.

He already calls her shorty.

That's my name.

I start crying.

He made that name for me.

I thought I was special to him.

Seth P.O.V

It's a mess!

I'm a mess!

Gosh dammit!

I love her but I hide everything behind the fear of what she would say.

It's been more than a month without her and honestly she is unforgettable.

Randy P.O.V

Randy:Jack Daniels please.

I say as he slides me another shot.

I turn around and spill it all on someone's shirt.

My vision is still blurry and I can't quite make out who it is.


Alexa:Geez thanks for the stain!Just what I needed!

Randy:Sorry I didn't see you.

She sits next to me frustrated I could tell.

Randy:Seth won't stop thinking about Nikki?

Alexa:How'd you know?

Randy:Nikki is exactly the same.

I sigh.

Alexa:They real love in each other.

Randy:They can't get over each other.

I smile appears on her face.

Alexa:I was thinking.Seth isn't gonna love me the way he loves Nikki and Nikki ain't gonna love you the way Seth does.So why don't we-

She blushes I know where she's going with this so I bend down and kiss her.

Randy:Yeah I like that.

We walked back to the hotel and broke up with Seth and Nikki.

I let Nikki stay in my room and Alexa and I booked into a new hotel by ours selves.

And some people might think it's selfish what we did but what we did was right.

I was never going to replace Seth.

Alexa was never going to replace Nikki.

They just need to talk because they have true love.

A kind of true love I've seen before.

True love {Adjective}:
1-Genuine great liking or affection
2-Passion for a specific person.

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