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A/N this one turned out sadder than I anticipated. I'm not sure how I feel about it :/ but...


Tours are great, unless you're missing someone. Then tours don't mean much of anything. Actually he couldn't quite say that, the roaring crowds and storm of clapping hands were a great way to end the night. However, every time he began the first part of Ghosts That We Knew, he saw couples maneuvering their bodies into a mold of the other. It was times like this when he missed her the most. The tour had been going on for one and a half months now and today was the final gig. Tomorrow he would be on a flight back to London to kiss an angel with dazzling brown eyes and dimples. He could barely contain his excitement, and he was practically giggling during White Blank Page. Even though Ben wrote I Will Wait, Marcus felt every lyric course through him. Then of course was Lover of the Light, and Marcus found it near impossible to concentrate on anything except his queen. As the last strum of The Cave echoed into the audience he knew he was going home. "Finally," he thought, "it's time to go home."

The band returned to the tour bus, and Winston was absolutely drunk off his ass and tried to earn kisses from Ben. Ben was too busy texting Jemima, and kept pushing away Winston's prying lips. Ted then decided the best thing for Winston was to put him to sleep, and gave him a sleeping pill. The bright side- Winston didn't refuse. The down side- when Winston's drunk he'll accept anything. Someday he's going to be in the back of a white van on his way to Mexico as a hostage in a drug cartel.

The boys landed in London around 9 the next morning. They strolled off into the airport immediately searching for their significant others. Winston-still a bit hungover and DEFINITELY jet lagged, thought his beloved Susan was a large ficus. As he hugged the plant, Susan rolled her eyes, Ben and Jemima ran head first into a kiss, Ted and Issie were hugging, but where the hell was his wife? Marcus didn't see her anywhere. "What the hell kind of prank is this?" He muttered.

"Hey guys where's Carey?" He asked aloud, waiting for an answer. The boys all looked around for her and the girls froze.

Something was definitely not right. He asked again, "Where the hell is Carey?" This time his voice was a bit more threatening and demanding.

Jemima was the first to speak, "Uh Marcus, Carey is in the hospital-"

"WHAT?!? AND YOU DIDN'T CALL? WHAT HAPPENED? IS SHE OK WHY IS SHE THERE?" Marcus was yelling and the people walking by gave nothing but a brief glance.

"No no no it's ok, she's fine" Susan reassured.

Marcus's head was beginning to whirl, his wife was in the hospital but she was ok? What was she doing there? "Can someone please explain what the fuck is going on," he asked his tone only slightly less harsh.

"Her grandmother, erm, she's not very likely to, well uh, make it any farther..." Isabel's voice faded away.

"Oh God, I need to be there right away! Can anyone drive me?" Urgency was clear in his voice.

"Yeah mate c'mon," Ben reassured, "Hey Ted, can you grab all our bags?"

Ted graciously accepted the task of over 100 pounds of suitcase. And then Ben, Jemima, and Marcus all left toward the hospital. They soared through traffic, Ben drove, and Marcus frantically tapped his fingers on the window. Poor Jemima was stuck in the back but she didn't mind. Ben and Marcus were practically brothers, and she spent plenty of time with Marcus and Carey too. She knew that they absolutely adored each other. Often times backstage she would see Carey gazing at her hubby with pure love. Or Marcus would send a quick wink her way. Jemima also knew how valuable Carey's grandmother was to her and she couldn't imagine the grief Carey was in. She had a good relationship with her grandma but Carey's was 10 times stronger. So no, she didn't mind the back at all really.

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