Crossing The Chasm - Part 3

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Something touched his shoulder, drawing him from an exhausted sleep. He tensed but managed not to jerk. When he opened his eyes, he stared into ZaKar's satisfied face.

"So, you spoke the truth. I was not sure that your claim to this woman was as you told me, a fact that I was going to question her about. But, I can see that she does know to whom she belongs. No woman would lie so accepting otherwise."

Califar glared at the man staring down at him and prayed that Jessica would continue to sleep.

"Is a man not entitled to privacy with his woman?" Califar kept his voice low but steady.

"I regret to intrude," said ZaKar, "but I must leave for a short time and thought it best to complete our bride contract before I depart. You will join me shortly, there is much to discuss."

ZaKar studied Jessica a moment before returning his attention to Califar.

"You must tell me with what method you tamed this woman. My men say that she lowers her eyes to no man. Even I could hear her shouted insults half way across this camp. It was only after she injured two of my men that she was bound as you found her. Such a woman must require a strong hand."

"A strong woman only bends to a stronger man, is that not so? I control my woman, ZaKar, as I control all things that are mine."

ZaKar took the implied warning with a slight nod of his head. "I look forward to our negotiations." With that reply, he left the hut as silently as he had entered.

Califar exhaled deeply. He needed to get Jessica out of this camp before she recovered her strength. If he did not, there would be no doubt how little control he exerted over her. A situation that would put her in more danger.

She did not stir when he lifted her and slipped from the cot. Her skin felt cool to his touch, he hoped that meant the infection was under control.

He noticed the bag with his personal items now stood by the entrance. ZaKar must have left it there when he entered. He took the opportunity to wash, using the bowl of water on the side table, and dressed in clean clothes. There was only one room to the small hut. He grimaced thinking about Jessica's reaction to the lack of privacy.

He opened his bag again and took out the clothes Princess Davar had included for Jessica. The simple Bedouin style skirt and blouse would do well. He laid them by his open bag along with a toothbrush and soap.


Twenty minutes later, he made his way toward ZaKar's quarters. Vehicles heavily packed with crates and fuel cans formed a line in the center of the camp. By the look of things, the site was probably due to move soon. Wouldn't make much difference anyway, he thought, since he didn't know his present location with total accuracy anyway.

While he warranted quite a bit of interest, no one hindered his movement through the busy area. That changed quickly as he approached Zakar's hut. Two heavily armed guards commanded him to submit to a search. Complying, he opened his

robe and turned slowly in a circle. They checked his boots and belt for hidden daggers or small arms. Satisfied, they motioned for him to enter.

He didn't know what he'd expected but, for sure, it wasn't what he found. ZaKar and three older men sat on clean reed mats that looked as if they'd just been placed on the wooden floor. The camp leader gestured for Califar to sit opposite them. A somewhat battered ceremonial tea urn filled the space between. The wily camp leader had hastily set up a traditional tea ceremony complete with the three required tribe elders who were supposed to oversee the marriage negotiations. It was an old Bedouin custom still used by many of the desert tribes of Ahalamin. At least he knew what was expected of him, though he didn't appreciate ZaKar's foolish mockery.

He accepted a hot cup of sweet mint tea and listened as one of the older men extolled the virtues of the intended bride. Such a worthy bride would cost the bridegroom a great deal. Of course, Jessica possessed none of the listed virtues, but he could hardly declare that fact. Califar could see from the gleam in ZaKar's expression that he intended to exert his dominance. He could only hope the man would soon tire of playing games.

ZaKar rubbed his chin and gave Califar a half grin. "What say you, Califar Cadin? Does not the woman's owner merit something in return for such a paragon of womanly virtue? Her beauty is the very gate of paradise. Such a devoted and submissive wife will bring honor to your house. What will you give for this treasure among women?"

Their gazes locked, each man searching for the other's weakness. Califar tipped his head in a respectful gesture. He had no choice. If he wanted to remove Jessica from ZaKar's control, he could not make another mistake because of pride or jealousy. He uttered the expected reply.

"No amount in heaven or earth can match the desirability of the woman you offer. I am unworthy and humble. All that I possess would be as nothing. Whatever you desire, I will give."

"You are well versed in the old ways," said ZaKar.

"These ancient ways are still honored by tribal law in Ahalamin. Now, do we play more games or do we get down to what it is you really want?"

A calculating coldness iced over ZaKar's countenance as he rose to his feet. Califar did the same.

"As you say. What I want is three fuel tankers delivered to the location I will provide. Along with that, you will deliver three J-Tar Tactical Helicopters."

He had expected worse. He turned and paced in feigned agitation for several seconds, camouflaging the relief he felt.

"You ask a lot," he replied sharply.

"Surely, the exquisite woman who covered you like a soft blanket in the night is worth the price?" ZaKar dipped his head. The condescending smirk lifting the corner of his mouth more arrogance than insult.

Califar paced some more and then shook his fist into the air, an emphatic punctuation of his supposed displeasure. "You will have what you ask. Return the woman to Ahalamin. I will remain here until the delivery is made."

"There more small matter," ZaKar spoke methodically as he lifted his chin to meet Califar's icy gaze. I find that I have a desire to see this blessed union sealed. Therefore, I have arranged the claiming ceremony for this evening. I regret that the customary three days of bridal feasting will not take place, but, at least, you will receive the bride you have so worthily paid for."

Sweat ran down the back of Califar's neck. Somehow ZaKar knew Jessica was not promised. He cursed the vulgarity of fate. This was ZaKar's way of humiliating him, forcing him to claim Jessica or forfeit her life. No doubt, he could not envision a worse fate than for a man of Califar's station to be shackled to a female infidel, especially an American she-devil. He would not give him the satisfaction of knowing the knife he turned in his gut.



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