Chapter 7

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I've been here for a little less than a week and I am no closer to feeling any better, though I have figured out where one of the portals are...with some help from that bitch, Nesta.

It was in the Spring Court though. I needed to go back there to help close it. I don't want to, for obvious reasons, but Prythain needed me to push my personal problems aside.

I turn the corner into the dining room, walking in on Rhysand and Feyre making out. I make a gaging noise, causing them to pull apart, Feyre adjusting her shirt.

"Do you mind?" She hisses, annoyance dripping from her voice.

"Why would you make out in the middle of the house?" I fire back, causing Rhysand to smirk and smack her butt playfully.

I wanted that.

"Because I'm just so irresistible," Rhysand chuckles, turning to face me.

"Well, this is my house, and we shouldn't have to worry about unwelcomed guests," she spits.

"Wow, a little bitchy, huh? What's your problem?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. "And what is that smell?" I ask, sniffing the air, picking up on some unfamiliar raw scent.

As soon as I registered the scent, I snap my head in Feyre's direction, my eyes widening as my nostrils flare. I know what that is. I've been around enough mothers in my thousands of years to know that smell.

She shoots me a panicked look, subtly shaking her head. I look over at Rhysand to see him watching us curiously.

"I'm sorry, Sharun. I'm not being fair. Come with me," she says, walking over to me and gripping my arm, dragging m off. "By Rhys, I'll see you tonight," she says flirtatiously, causing his purple eyes to light up.

Before I can hear his response, I'm being thrown out of a window. I let out a scream, just before I realize that Feyre is still holding on to me, and we are flying! Her black wings curl out around us, flapping in the crisp wind.

After a few minutes of flying over the beautiful city, we land on top of a building, staring out at the shimmering lights. I turn to face her as she stares over the lip of the building, taking in her home.

"Why haven't you told him?" I ask in a whisper, coming up beside her.

"That I'm pregnant?" She says, causing me to nod.

That explains the bitchy attitude.

"Because there are so many things that could go wrong...I just don't want to get his hopes up if there's a strong possibility that...that our baby won't make it..." She trails off.

There are so many complications with fae births that it is very common to lose children, in the womb and in infancy. But still...

"Feyre, he deserves to know. I'm not going to pretend like I know you two, but I've been around cold-hearted people for so long that this...this thing that the both of you beautiful. And sharing a baby will only make it stronger. He loves you, I can see it every time he looks at you, and it doesn't take a genius to know that you love him, so just tell him. And if it all goes south, I'll be there for you, if you want... Cause Cauldren knows I've got nothing else to do" I say, surprising myself with my kindness.

What the hell is happening to me?

"Thank you..." She says, her eyes glistening with tears as she turns to face me. "I may have been wrong about you. You worked for the King and I just assumed... When we met you the other day you were so..."

"Bitchy? Cocky?" I offer.

"Yes, but now I see that I might have been wrong. Well, you probably are still just as cocky and smug, but no more than Rhys is," she chuckles, tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry for how I treated you earlier."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2019 ⏰

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