Catch up.

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Taking risks can get things fucked up. Just gonna say that right now. If you can't believe or understand that, then stop reading. This isn't for you. Now, for the rest of us, welcome to Purgatory. Yes, that's the name of our town. Our generation has been known to be quite rebellious of... well, everything. Our government has been known to be very rebellious of us. It's not real fond of this countries lifestyle we call "fuck you, I do what I want." So, they take their own course of action. In this context however, it basically means nuking a city, and killing big names to act tough. That's why the easiest way to stay alive, is to stay invisible. It's people  like Josh that prove that you can blend in, and still stand out. Josh is my partner in crime, but more on him later. Anyways, here are the 3 easiest ways to survive in the year 2082's United States of Fucksville. 1. Stay invisible. 2. Be tough and conformed. And 3. Kiss the right asses. That's really all the hierarchy there is in this country. If you want to get things done without supporting our government, it's best to just stay invisible. It is easier than you think, you just have to avoid eye contact, and give simple answers to any interrogations. I realize that I'm telling you all of this without explaining any of it. So the government likes to make statements across all six towns of our nation. And by statements, I mean taking lives. Our towns are shown as separate but equal. I hope that whatever year your reading this from, you've realized that this isn't possible. Most likely, you'll think that six towns is barely enough to fit a state in the 2000's, but the towns fill a good part of the country. Outside of that, we're told is ruins of nature, but I know better. We can't be the only ones out here. There's got to be more, but the only ones old enough to remember are people in the government. They told everyone that life started over in 2030, and that we need to be content with what we have, but truthfully only a moron could see past the chaos that is the United States of Union. God, this is starting to sound like a history lesson. Okay, look. All you need to know about the geography of our country is its made of eight different areas, including the towns: Purgatory, Coaltone, Nadia, Stilltown, Treeland, and Oceanic Baltimore. It also includes the Capitol, where the government stays, and the restricted regions, where lies the ruins of nature. As far as people go, their all pretty bad, but those from Oceanic Baltimore are by far the worst. It's where all the "fortunate" people go. Bullshit. Being wealthy, or having connections is what gets you into that town. But the restricted region always puzzled me, because I wanted to know what was in there. Why I couldn't go back there. What was back there that I couldn't see. No one knows what's behind the 25 ft cement wall. I knew a girl who climbed over a few years ago. I can only assume what happened to Olivia, when I heard loud noises and screams from the other side. Our government claims to be a monarchy, but they might as well be a dictatorship, because they don't give a shit about Purgatory, because the Riot Clan controls this town. The Riot Clan is an armed gang that mainly just bosses this town around with guns. The Riot Clan started with the government after the citizens were wiped out, and the country was rebuilt into the hellhole we have today. And the Clan was founded by Michael fucking Purgatory. Purgatorys founder, a hired government official who was called upon to destroy this town before it began. Alright, enough depressing shit. Let's talk about something more hopeful, like Josh. He's my childhood friend, my only friend, and therefore my best friend. He once got fined for blowing off the head of a Rioter from the clan. Apparently killing a local terrorist is a punishable offense. I mean after all, we only have two forms of punishment in this country. Fines, and death. Most wrongdoings that are caught by the government are charged with a fine of some sort. But when someone is sentenced to death, everyone knows about it. But Josh has the biggest heart for rebellion I've ever seen. We all talk about it, but few people rather than Josh and I actually go through with it. My family doesn't bash my ways, seeing as both my parents are gone, and my brother Jay is still in his last year of school, 4th grade. Josh's dad however, doesn't approve of his lifestyle. Let's just say he's got to stay with me most nights. I never in a million years would've figured that he'd be the least of our problems.

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