Chapter 11

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Come on Sarah, think. What could they do to find you? Could they hack the highway cams? Could they run the license plate? Did they put a tracker in the car?

Questions of what they could possibly do to catch me creeps through my mind while I drive on less than one fourth of the tank.

Scanning the area I see a Shell gas station with a couple cars getting gas or  people raiding the chip aisle.

I've gotta say for my first time driving I'm not that bad. To be honest I am 19 turning twenty in a week and a half, I'm very intelligent and graduated early from college because I started college courses in high school. Excelling in all my classes especially lunch, I loved being smarter than people would think from just one glance.

Which leads me to already knowing how much I'm going to spend on the gas. To already knowing where the money is and what to do if I couldn't find the money. Yes most of it is common sense but not all people share the same knowledge.

Grabbing the stack of cash as I pull up to a pump and get out of the car which is an Audi A6 2017.

Quickly pumping the gas and paying up I drive off not wanting to be noticed. I really wish Ryker had a different job or... hobby.

I love how Ryker's luscious lips feel against my own. I love how my body presses against his when we sleep. I love how our hands fit so well together, as if they were made for each other. I love how he could make me feel so gorgeous on my worst days. I fell so hard for him but he caught me and went with me. Again and again it happens I fall for him everyday.

Granted I only met him two months ago I feel as if I might love him. As if my love for books and growing up as a nerd was me getting ready for my fairytale. The one where the notorious Gangleader and the nerdy bookworm dreaming for fairytales to happen to her, falls in love with each other.

Oh Ryker... how could you. You've pried my heart open, shimmied inside and sealed the entrance shut. You've made me feel unspeakable feelings and think unholy thoughts.

You were my first kiss. My one and only. My true love.

It's settled I am going to find a phone and call him to tell him I'm in another state. My absolute location. But not before making him chase me. What can I say but I love an adventure.

Switching to the fast lane I speed up because I want to see how far I can get till he catches me. I might even leave some clues...

Parking in a motel parking-lot I get out and scan my surroundings. Seeing a pleasantly plump man talking on his phone gets me giddy inside.

Quickly shutting the door and locking the car I walk over to the man who doesn't seem to notice me.

Once I am in front of him I clear my throat causing him to look me up and down.

Ugh. Pervert.

"Excuse me but would you be kind enough to let me borrow your phone?I've gotta call my... daddy because he is on his way to pick me up and I need to update him on my whereabouts." Wow, I haven't used that tone since forever. The I-want-something voice.

"Well sure thing Honey boo-boo. You looking as fine as sugar. Talking about sugar, if you're looking for a sugar daddy I'm looking to adopt." Ew. He's using his disgusting perverty voice.

Replying back with a quick no thanks and taking his phone to walk away about 10 meters so he doesn't hear my conversation.

Calling Ryker's phone number and waiting for 3 to 4 seconds till he picks up angrily.

"WHAT IS IT!? WHO IS THIS!?" Wow he seems angry.

"Well, that's no way to speak to a lady. Anywho I just wanted to kno-" getting cut off by an overly-excited Ryker pisses me off.

"Sarah? Baby! I'm so sorry if I scared you! We've been trying to find you with hacking the highway cams and trying to run the license plate. I wish we put a tracker in the car..." Am I smart or am I smart?

" Wow Ryker you really know how to piss me off. Huh? Because I was going to tell you my exact location but since you cut me off, not anymore. I guess you'll just have track this call." At least I have him a clue and a big one at that.

Ryker starts to speak only to cut off by the overly sized man I took the phone from.

"Well muffin. Wanna go to my motel to and have a couple sweets with me?"
Are you kidding me.


Putting the phone to my chest I look over to the man and start talking.

"Sorry I never asked your name. Mine is Sabrina. What's yours?" I make sure to talk loud enough so Ryker can hear me but not loud enough for it to sound suspicious.

"You want my name to scream in bed huh? Well it's Bobby Will. Let's get going on that." Cringing so hard right now I speak up.

"Let me finish my call real quick then we can talk. M'kay bye." Walking away before I threw up Ryker started talking again.

"You better not go with him or hang up on me. We are tracking the phone right now. Please I want you back. I promise to make sure Bobby Will gets what he deserves. Get in the car and drive away from that skunk." I know he isn't telling me what to do. Cuz I already know what Ima do.

"Bye Ryker. Hope you can find me... I miss you." Hanging up. I feel my heart ache.


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