Chapter 18

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The car ride back we couldn't keep our hands off each other. There was so much touching. Touching on the lips, butt, lips, hair, lips, just so much touching. Did I mention lips?

Well just incase I didn't, our lips were somehow almost locked the whole time. I don't even know if Ryker was driving on the right side. All I know there was going to be some smashing.

Pulling up to the hotel Ryker parked the car and carried me bridle style inside. Sniffing the air caused my stomach to grumble. Oh no. FOOOOODDDDD. I immediately jumped off Ryker and jogged towards the smell because I passed a no running sign. Ending up in the kitchen made me close my eyes and intake a huge breath. Letting out a sigh of content I open my eyes and look around.

Someone walking into a marked off place only for employees wasn't what you would consider... normal. But I'm not normal so I waltz on in and help cook.

The cooks returning to work made me realize how boring this is. When I look around for a music playing device of some sort I come up short handed.

Taking out my phone I play my Spotify playlist. Satisfied with Becky G's Break A Sweat I start moving to the rhythm around the kitchen. Singing out loud and getting the girls to dance with me was literally my go-to.

Finally dancing around with my new besties and singing my heart out while smelling the amazing smell was an accomplishment in itself. Still singing even though someone turned off the music and the sound of footsteps came to a complete halt, I finish my lyric and open my eyes only to be met with Ryker having an inner battle of emotions. He seemed worried but happy, at what? I honestly have no idea what about.

Walking up to Ryker I get on tippy toes and whisper in his ear. "Am I in trouble, pumpkin?" Leveling myself I look down feeling as if it's my fault he's so worried.

"Sarah." At the soothing tone from Ryker I look at him through my eyelashes causing him to let out a groan. Realizing it was because of me I immediately look down. Feeling a rough yet soft hand lift my head up I comply. Whoah. Hold up. How am I not rebelling? Ryker so put a spell on me.

Looking up at Ryker with look of determination on my face I allow myself to kiss him one last time. Well the last time for the next couple of hours. Breaking away from the kiss I walk towards the girls and begin what I was doing before Ryker interrupted.

Finishing up the last batch of food I prepare them into the metal that holds the food and keeps it warm. Walking out I put every food holder thingy where it's supposed to go. Putting the last one in I put my hands on my hips and look around proudly at my set up. Looking at the seating area I notice Ryker sitting down calmly waiting for me to finish with what I was doing.

As I start to walk over to Ryker he notices me and gets up so once I get there he wraps his arms around me. Sniffing my hair Ryker swiftly picks me up bridle style then starts to walk off but not before I yell a goodbye to mah besties.

Setting me down in the elevator he pushes me up against the wall and we start to basically suck each others faces off. As the elevator finally dings Ryker grabs me by my butt and pulls me up causing my legs to wrap around his waist. Still kissing Ryker walks down the hall and somehow opens the door even though his hands are gripping my butt making sure it is very much so secure.

Making his way into our bedroom he lays me onto the bed still kissing me. Honestly I have no idea how I haven't suffocated yet. Finally pulling away from the kiss for five breaths of air I notice Ryker's lips plump and pink. I smile proudly because I know that's my doing. With a sly grin I flip Ryker over and kiss the corner of his mouth. From there I slowly drift the kisses down and around his neck. With a groaning Ryker I grin pulling away from him. As I stare upon a Ryker with his eyes closed I realize he won't open his eyes because of control. If he opens his eyes and sees my messed up hair, my also pink plump lips, and pulled down shirt showing some cleavage, he won't be able to control himself and he'll do something he'll regret.

Getting off him and walking across the room I let Ryker cool off by himself. Feeling myself get uncomfortable with every passing minute in this outfit I walk to the closet. Taking off my clothes off I look around and realize there are no clothes for me to sleep in I find a robe to wear.

Walking out of the closet I notice Ryker already in bed but not fully clothed. With his shirt and jeans piled on the floor. With a gulp I realize we'll both just be in our undergarments in bed, together.

Pulling back the covers enough for me get in without waking Ryker I untie my robe and let if slip off my shoulders, down my body. Getting in and pulling the covers up I feel Ryker unconsciously wrap his arms around my body. Feeling relaxed I allow myself to fall asleep.

Falling into a dream where the my mind travels. It travels so far into the future I see myself in bed sleeping with Ryker but the bed is so big three other kids sleep scattered around the bed. A smile is visibly seen on both Ryker's and my face. Although we both have bags under our eyes our faces seem so happy. I understand because my mother would always say how much I was a pain in the butt but she she loved me very much.

Waking up the sound of glass smashing isn't satisfying. As my eyes slowly open I get up in a very unalert way. Shifting myself up wards into a sitting position I notice an exquisite china vase laying smashed on the floor. Abruptly I get off the bed and see Ryker standing there with his eyes closed while his chest heaves. I then notice Ryker still in his boxers with a very prominent Ryker jr. Realizing sleeping in just our undies and my bra was a big no no I immediately look for my robe.

Finally finding it I bend down to get it causing Ryker to groan. Speedily grabbing it and putting it on like never before I speed walk to the closet only to be grabbed by the arm from Ryker. Looking up at him expectingly he lets out a breath and opens his eyes then starts to speak.

"I'll be taking a very cold shower so just call room service and tell them what you want for breakfast and they'll have it here soon. Sorry for waking you cupcake." With that he walked into the bathroom and at the sound of running water I ran towards the phone. Dialing the room service number I ordered the essentials.

15 minutes later the water stops running and their's a knock at the door. Running towards it I calmly open the door and in rolls a cart with silver covers for my tasty food.

As they leave the cart and out the door they go while shutting it behind them I take off all the silver covers just to throw them on the bed.

Just as I took a chocolate covered strawberry off the plate Ryker walked out of the bathroom. Frozen with a strawberry covered in chocolate so close to my watering mouth I swiftly stuff the strawberry into my mouth, the green part and everything. Probably shouldn't do that but yolo.

Picking up another strawberry I offer it to Ryker by shoving my hand in his general direction. As Ryker walked up with only a towel wrapped around his waist my mind wandered. NO! Don't even try, Sarah.

When Ryker bends down to eat the strawberry from my hand I get a little wet and not from Ryker's water droplets.

Quickly moving away from a very addicting Ryker I walk towards my side of the bed, careful of the glass pieces I sit down and calm my horny self.

Looking at the glass pieces I think to myself, I told you there was going to be smashing.


I know not many people even read this.



Whalllleeeee byyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee

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